Quick Updatery

I think I forgot to report here that I did speak to the actor who will be reading the audiobook edition of Carousel Tides.  We went over pronunciations, and talked about accents (I found out that Ramen Noodles is RAYmin Noodles in NYC, whereas downcoast only a couple hundred miles, in the beautiful city of Baltimore, we tried to avoid eating RAHmin Noodles).  The narrator’s name is Elisabeth S. Rodgers; I like her voice for Kate — which is very important, since Carousel Tides is told in first person.

Steve and I will be at BangPop! in Bangor on Sunday-coming, September 19.  SRM will have a table in the dealer’s room, and we’re scheduled as panelists.  If you’re in the neighborhood, come on by!

I’m very much looking forward to seeing Great Big Sea this evening at the Waterville Opera House, the moreso because they look to be the icing on the cake of a Rather Trying day.

Yes, I’m still working on Ghost Ship.  No, it’s not finished yet.  Nope, sorry, no snippets.  Yes, sorry, I have been and will be scarce in the blogoverse for definitions of “scarce” that include “not posting every day”; and, as is too often the case, I am behind on answering email.

. . .I think that sums up.

Everybody have a great week!

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