I know that some of you who read here are members of various romance lists and/or regularly participate in the various romance forums around the web. Might I ask you, if you can do so without violating the standards of politeness of your particular list or forum, to mention that Mouse and Dragon will be coming out on June 1?
Scout’s Progress was very well received by the romance community (winner of the Prism award for best Futuristic Romance for its year (Local Custom placed second for the same year) and RomanticTimes Reviewers Choice for Best Science Fiction Book of 2002) and I would like to make sure that those readers who enjoyed that book know that there’s now a sequel.
(And of course, for those who haven’t read Local Custom or Scout’s Progress — they’re reprinted in The Dragon Variation, also to be published in June).
Baen has a very generous free sample of Mouse and Dragon here, so those who are on the fence can see if the story suits.
Thank you for your help; I do very much appreciate it.