Day Two of Mouse and Dragon Snipathon! Watch the skies.
Aelliana: If you will cast blame, Balance, and doom, then I am your proper target, ma’am! Daav did only as he ought!
Daav: My sister sees a hundred-year scandal in a teacup misaligned in a formal setting. You must not take Kareen too seriously, Aelliana.
Aelliana: Daav. What else have the Healer’s done?
Daav: We are a broken set, van’chela. I could wish your brother still alive, that I might thank him fitly for his care of you.
Aelliana: If you will be Anne, then I will be Aelliana. I hope I have not disrupted your whole day.
Daav: You may not defame my lady or call her craven! She pressed on and did was was needful, with courage and generosity.
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The above are snippets for Tuesday, May 18, 2010. Snippeting resumes tomorrow, via Twitter from BaenBooks and ClanKorval, at the Same Early Hour(tm). Please join us then.