Mouse and Dragon: Tweets for the Tweetless Day Three

This is third day of the Mouse and Dragon Tweetathon, sponsored by Baen Books. Street date is June 1. Mark your calendars!

Daav: My brother is enjoying himself far too much.

Kareen: Pilot, you are a mouse among raptors. Your best chance of survival is to be small, and to feast upon whatever crumbs fall your way.

Aelliana: Does this tree speak to you?

Daav: If I measured each of my loves against what I feel for you, it would seem that I had never loved anyone at all.

Aelliana: Certainly, any error should be rectified. I regret, however, that I am unable to continue my contract.

Daav: Every toasted cheese sandwich is unique unto itself. Like art, there are no mistakes.

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The above are snippets for Wednesday, May 19, 2010.  There are two more days of snippage this week, and one of them is tomorrow!  Please join us then. Snippets are delivered throughout the day via Twitter from BaenBooks and ClanKorval, then collected at the end of the day as a blog posting, for the convenience of those who do not tweet.

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