What I did on my day off

As threatened, I worked with my spiffy new layout program, which was remarkably soothing.  I’ve also made a start on a Carousel Tides website.  It’s not by any means done yet; I want to add a cast of characters, and some sample chapters and a post about why I wrote this book — to, yanno, defuse those folks who will ask Why On Earth I wasted my time writing urban fantasy.

If you have a couple moments, do you mind going over and taking a look at the place?  Let me know what you think, and what you might find useful in such a site.

Thanks — and I hope everyone had as relaxing a day as I did.

2 thoughts on “What I did on my day off”

  1. This looks great, Sharon, and I’m really looking forward to the book. (I always look forward to your books.) Clean layout, things are easy to find — my only concern is that you’re doing several of these. Is maintenance going to cut into your writing time, or will these eventually be brochure sites?

    What layout program are you using that you like so well?

  2. Well, once I get it built, the Carousel Tides website shouldn’t be much drain on my time (cue hollow laughter), since it will mostly-if-not-all be static.

    There is a little bit of maintenance involved with the blog here on Sharon Lee, Writer, but not much more than what’s involved in LJ.

    The layout program is called Artisteer. I made the template for the Carousel Tides site using it, and like it a great deal. In my copious spare time (ahem), I’m going to be redesigning this site using Artisteer. I like how clean this template is, but I really would like to be able to do something more with the header.

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