. . .consider the above fair warning, and Do Not Try Me(tm). Thank you.
As reported earlier in the week, B&N and Amazon are now shipping Saltation; both are accepting customer reviews, if you’re of a reviewing bent.
I’m now looking for reports of Saltation spotted in the wild, as well as any other Lee and Miller books that might be nearby. As you’re out and about town, keep your eyes peeled, please!
No, we have not yet received our Big Shipment of Saltation subscriber copies. We’ll tell you when.?
My plans for the day include cleaning out my closet and making up a box of stuff to go to Goodwill, brainstorming, and perhaps goofing off with my spiffy! new! layout program.
What’re you doing that’s fun?
I got my shipment of Saltation from Amazon yesterday! Stayed up way too late reading & loved it!