Liaden Universe® InfoDump #95

In this issue:
Audible to release entire Liaden series
Publishing news
Ghost Ship Number One
Interviews and podcasts
Clarion Write-a-Thon
Carousel Tides t-shirts
Signed copies of Dragon Ship
The Liaden Universe(R) World Tour
Support Your Local Bookstore
Disclaimer Stuff
Blogs and Other Webly Things of Note
Liaden Interest Groups on Facebook

Audible to release entire Liaden series will be releasing all 15 Liaden Universe® novels — Agent of Change through Dragon Ship! — in audiobook format.  It is the stated intention of Mr. Feldberg at Audible to have all 15 books available in time for the September hardcover release of Dragon Ship.

Publishing News
Baen has contracted for two sequels to Sharon Lee’s 2010 contemporary fantasy, Carousel Tides.  The novels, Carousel Sun and Carousel Seas, are due in early and mid 2013.  News of publishing dates when they become available.

Baen has also contracted to publish two collections of Liaden Universe® stories — specifically every story that appeared in the SRM Publisher, Ltd. Adventures in the Liaden Universe® chapbooks, that appeared from 1995 through 2011.  No publication date has been set.

Upcoming publications include Dragon Ship, which will of course be published in hardcover in September, Necessity’s Child (the book formerly known as George), to be published in May 2013.  A Liaden short story will also be the featured fiction on the Baen website in July.  That story will be available for free.

Ghost Ship Number One!
Ghost Ship by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller placed Number One in the SFSite Readers Choice Awards for Best Books of 2011.  There’s a lot of great reading (and stiff competition) on this list, so take a look:

Interviews and podcasts
On Thursday June 14 at 10 a.m. EDT, Sharon and Steve will be guests on Writers Forum on WERU-FM.  In addition to chatting a little about science fiction with our hostess, Ellie O’Leary, Sharon and Steve will be reading from Carousel Tides and from Fledgling. Writers Forum airs every second Thursday at 10 a.m. at 89.9 Blue Hill and 99.9 Bangor. It also streams live at

Steve and Sharon were interviewed by Brent Bowen at ConQuesT.  The fruits of that interview will be posted to Adventures in Scifi Publishing ( within the next week or two.

Pre-ConQuesT, Bryan Thomas Schmidt conducted an in-depth email interview with Sharon and Steve.  You can read that interview at Grasping for the Wind (

Clarion Write-a-Thon
As he did last year, Steve is taking part in the Clarion West Write-a-thon, and plans to help raise $1000 this year. Steve’s goal for the Write-A-Thon is to finish the upcoming Jethri novel, Trade Secrets. Clarion West is one of the oldest major workshops for science fiction and fantasy writers and proceeds are used for scholarships. Those wishing to donate to support Clarion West through Team Miller can take a look here: … donate a buck or two to the cause to let him know you’re watching for Jethri.

Carousel Tides t-shirts
To celebrate the sale of two sequels to Carousel Tides, and to do a little stealth promotion, Sharon is for a limited time only (which means, through June 30) offering Carousel Tides t-shirts.  Sizes go up to 5XL; cost per shirt is $19, shipping in US and Canada is $5 (international shipping to be figured on a case-by-case basis).  Everything else you need to know can be found here:

Signed Copies of Dragon Ship
Those interested in scoring a signed copy of the upcoming Dragon Ship hardcover and supporting a worthy independent bookstore may order from Uncle Hugo’s SF Bookstore.  Here’s a link to the Rules that Govern Preordering (good stuff that’s well worth reading here, like “your credit card will NOT be charged until your order is fulfilled and your book is on its way to you”):

And here is the link to Preorder NOW:

The Liaden Universe® World Tour 
With their return from ConQuesT, Steve and Sharon have completed their convention traveling for 2012.  Next on the convention schedule is Boskone 50, February 15-17, 2013 (see you there?

The above means that Sharon and Steve will not be attending Chicon 7, the 70th World Science Fiction convention, to be held in Chicago August 30-September 3 (  Attending Friends of Liad are encouraged to gather together and lift a glass of your beverage of choice to the Dragon, and the Tree.  If anyone is planning to host a Liaden Lounge, please get in touch with Sharon (rolanniATkorvalDOTcom), there are ribbons and other goodies that can be shipped.

Support Your Local Bookstore:
Uncle Hugo’s:
University Bookstore:
Pandemonium Books:
Missing Volume:

Flights of Fantasy:
Mysterious Galaxy:
Constellation Books:
Children’s Book Cellar:

White Unicorn Books:
All of the above folks do mail order and take want lists.


SRM Publisher is closed and some of the above bookstores have copies of various SRM Publisher print chapbooks. In the meantime has all of the original chapbooks in ebook formats, with links to Smashwords ebook store, Barnes and Noble’s Nook store, and Amazon’s Kindle store. NOTE that Pinbeam books also offers new three chapbooks which never made it into print through SRM: Courier Run:  Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 18, and Legacy Systems:  Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 19 as well as Sharon’s The Day They Brought the Bears to Belfast. PLEASE Let your friends and family with new ereaders know about this important Liaden resource!

Blogs and Other Webly Things of Note:
Theo_Waitley is the discussion group for readers of Fledgling and Saltation:
Where Dragons Rest:
Steve Miller’s blog, Journeyman:
Sharon Lee’s blog, Eagles over the Kennebec:
Sharon Lee’s “Professional” blog:
Splinter Universe Discussion List:
Facebook Connections — please feel free to add us! — Steve Miller — Sharon Lee

Splinter Universe: features outtakes, splinters, and oddities from the Lee&Miller writing career, currently changes irregularly.

Welcome to Liad — The official homepage for Liaden Universe(R) news —

Liaden Interest Groups on Facebook
Clan Korval:
Friends of Liad:
Flaran chamenthi:

Sharon’s Author Page:


*Steve’s on Twitter*:
*Sharon’s on Twitter, too*:


This InfoDump is a product of the Liaden Universe®, accept no imitations. You have received this message because you asked for it. If you wish to subscribe to the Liaden Universe® email list, to unsubscribe from the Liaden Universe® email list, or to change your delivery email address, go here:


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