Expanding Universe Contest

In celebration of the publication of Mouse and Dragon, the thirteenth novel set in their Liaden Universe®, authors Sharon Lee and Steve Miller are holding an Expanding Universe Contest!  Yes! No less than thirty-six electronic copies of The Dragon Variation will be given away.

The Dragon Variation is an omnibus edition of three Liaden Universe® novels — Conflict of Honors, one of the first modern SFRomances; Local Custom, second place winner of the Prism Award for best Futuristic of 2002; and Scout’s Progress, the first place winner of the Prism Award for best Futuristic of 2002, Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice for Best SF Novel of its year, and the prequel to Mouse and Dragon.

That’s three complete novels under one cover.  No prior knowledge of the Liaden Universe® required. Electronic! In Baen Books’ DRM-free, multiplatform style.  This omnibus can be read on your Kindle, your phone, your iPad, your desktop, or other ereader.

Still need some convincing?

The first nine chapters of each of these novels may be read for free at the Baen website.
Conflict of Honors
Local Custom
Scout’s Progress

How The Contest Works:

*The Expanding Universe Contest is open to anyone — and everyone! — who has never, ever, cross-your-heart-&c read a Liaden Universe® novel.

*Reply to this blog entry with your name, and where you heard about the contest.  From those who respond, 36 lucky winners will be chosen by drawing.  If 36 or less people enter the contest, then everyone’s a winner!

*Each winner will be asked to provide their email address for purposes of receiving the code that will allow them to download their prize.

*A list of winners — with links to their websites, should they wish, and links to the website where they heard about the contest — will be published in this blog.

Small Print: The contest begins RIGHT NOW and will end at midnight Eastern Daylight Time (4:00 a.m. GMT) Friday, July 16.  A list of winners will be posted on this blog on Saturday, July 17.  It is the responsibility of the winners to contact Sharon Lee according to the instructions given with the winner’s list.  Prizes will be held for 12 days.

It’s that simple.  So!  Those friends you wanted to get hooked on the Liaden Universe®? Point ‘em this way.  Been meaning to try this Liaden thing, but never got around to it?  We’re making it as easy for you as we can.

Let’s do this thing.

* * *

Bloggers take note!

If you’d like to share the news about the Expanding Universe Contest, there’s a little something in it for you, too.  Hit “reply” and post a link to your  blog entry mentioning the contest, and be entered in a drawing for a $36 gift card from Barnes and Noble. Yes, you may also enter the drawing for a copy of The Dragon Variation, as long as you meet the contest criterion.

332 thoughts on “Expanding Universe Contest”

  1. My sister-in-law recommends these. I am at least a decade out of date with my SciFi reading, and need to catch up on what’s new and good.

  2. I have NEVER read a Liaden Universe novel. Much to a friend’s dismay – who has apparently owns them all. I found out about the contest on Reads Everything Blog. Please enter me in this contest and thanks for hosting! I am excited!

  3. This sounds like a very interesting read! I’ve not heard of this until I read it on my friend Barry’s ‘Gnostalgia’ blog. I’d very much like to read this. Thank you for the contest. Good luck everyone!

  4. I’ve never heard of the Liaden Universe but I’m a fan of SF Romance. My husband told me about the contest – don’t know where he heard about it.

  5. Never read them or heard of them but I am willing to give this a try. I am always looking for good authors and stories in SF romance.

  6. Oh, I forgot to mention that I heard about this on the All About Romance message board!

  7. I have never heard of this series, so I am intrigued! I discovered this contest on sfr blogspot so came over to enter. There are never enough books to read in this universe so I’m eager for more.

  8. I’m a bit surprised to be able to say that I’d never heard of the Liaden Universe until it was mentioned on TOR.com just a few days ago…

  9. Have never read a Liaden Universe novel or story. Am entering the contest. Thanks.

    Allen Smith

  10. I actually hadn’t even heard of these books until a friend of mine mentioned that I may like them and directed me to this contest. I’m always looking for a new sci-fi series to get into though!

  11. I heard about this on tor.com. It Sounds intersting. I’ve been out of the SF market for a while; maybe this will pull me in.

  12. I have never read the series. Hear about the contest on an entry in Baen’s Bar.

  13. I’ve never heard of these books but they sound interesting. I am a fan of the Baen eBooks though.

    I heard about this from a friend who stumbled across the website and IM’d me to hurry and comment.

  14. I’m new to this sees but am a big fan of The Vorkosigan Saga. A friend enthusiastically recommended I try this series. I’d love to read it on my new iPad!

  15. I’ve read lots of other Baen stuff, but never any of these…

    Heard about this contest when someone posted a link to it on the DFW Pythoneers website.

  16. Heard about it via google. Thanks for the opportunity!

    Abhishek Duggal

  17. I read about the contest on a blog aggregator (Planet Python). Never read any of the books, although I’ve heard people recommending them from time to time.

  18. I’ve never even heard of the books, so I guess that makes me a candidate 😀 Kat Brown posted about this over on LJ, which is where I saw it.

  19. I hadn’t ever heard of the books/series either, and also heard about it from katmoonshaker. 🙂 But I’m a voracious reader looking for a new series. Help me!

  20. Nope. Never, ever read any of them. The closest I’ve come was planning to buy the audio version of “Local Customs” the Michael Shank’s read.

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