The page proofs for the mass market edition of Ribbon Dance have landed in my inbox. I am assured that the mass market edition is, absent the size, exactly the same as the hardcover edition.
I am therefore putting out a system-wide call for those folks who have the hardcover edition. If you have noticed any typos (that is typos — wrong word, missing word, misspelled word, bad line breaks, too many or too few quotation marks — or, indeed, punctuation of any kind) please reply to this post with that error noted like this:
PAGE NUMBER, Paragraph Number from the top, from the break, or from the bottom (and tell me which) , Line Number, Search String, ERROR
In RL, that would look like this: Page 1, paragraph 3, line 2, “had let Pel dissuade her” MISSING PERIOD after her
There is a deadline involved: January 18. If you find a tyop of January 19, keep it to yourself. This is a curated blog, and the replies to this entry will not be made public.
I do note that the mass market edition has the author’s afterword that was left out of the hardcover edition.
Thank you so very much for your help.