Well. Where to start?
Ah. Thank you to everyone who read and kindly donated to “Core Values.”
If you haven’t read the story yet, here’s your link to the introduction, which itself includes a link to the story. You may read the story for free. Those who wish may also donate, to the story, to the site, to the Coon Cat Food Bank, or to the author. A donation is not required to read the story.
Now we can get to the Important Topic of Tali.
Tali found the Guest Parlor too small. Because I have a Very Weird House, I was able, after yesterday’s breakfast, to close off the hallway in which the Guest Parlor is located, closing the door to Steve’s office at one end, and the rest of the house, at the other end. This gave Tali the Guest Parlor, a short hallway, a cul de sac which is glorified as the Laundry Room, and a big window overlooking the Long Back Yard. I also put Trooper in with her, thinking he could share some more pearls of feline wisdom.
This is what that looked like, when I peered in a couple hours later.
After lunch, Trooper and I traded places. I took my laptop back to the laundry room, and sat in the chair I’d moved in from Steve’s office, and finished inputting corrections to “Core Values.” Tali several times leapt into my lap — she gives epic head bumps — and tried her paw at editing the story.
Firefly was still being hissy, and Rook was taking his cue from her, so I visited Tali once or twice on the evening, but my intention was to leave her in Steve’s hallway until at least Thursday afternoon (I had a doctor’s appointment this morning, and Ashley is coming tomorrow morning to do the cleaning).
At 5am this morning, Trooper opened the door to Steve’s hallway, and let Tali out.
I got up, turned on all the lights, and prepared myself to run interference (Tali does not like to be picked up. She will jump in my lap, but she Does. Not. Want. me to pick her up, and I had … reservations about allowing a cat who will not allow me to pick her up roaming the house.). Trooper, however, had appointed himself Tour Guide. He took Tali downstairs, where the Accommodations are (she has a litter pan in the Guest Parlor, but apparently it’s not the best arrangement), he showed her the food station and the cat fountain. He walked her right past Firefly, who was hissing, and Rook, who was likewise.
Since he had it in paw, I got dressed and put the kettle on for tea.
Tali eventually went back to her hallway. I followed her in, closed the door, and sat down. She jumped into my lap, and we had a cuddle while chatting out her first impressions.
I let her out again when I got back from my Annual Wellness appointment (spoiler: I’m healthy).
I must say Tali’s being very smart about integrating herself. She spent some time in the bedroom, and has explored the rest of the rooms once or twice, entirely unfazed by hissing sillies. She offers no aggression, nor does she hiss back; it’s merely nothing to do with her, what those cats are carrying on about.
Occasionally, she goes back to her hallway for a breather.
And that’s where we are right now. Trooper, Firefly, and Rook are in my office with me, and Tali is exploring the living room.