You can find Lee and Miller books at bookstores of all kinds, all around the world. If you have a favorite bookstore, we encourage you to shop there and show them your support. The links below are provided for the convenience of those who may not have a favorite bookstore, or who simply find shopping online to be more convenient than going out into the world. We, the authors, earn the exact same royalty on each book sale, from legitimate sources. We don’t, naturally, receive any royalties from books downloaded from pirate sites, even the ones that charge you money.
All that said, the lists below concern themselves with five vendors, and one catalog: Uncle Hugo’s Science Fiction Bookstore in Minneapolis, which ships worldwide and has supported the Lee-and-Miller writing career even when we didn’t have one; Baen EBooks, the ebook arm of our publisher; Barnes and Noble; Amazon; Audible; and Pinbeam Books.
What you need to know about these vendors is this:
1. Uncle Hugo’s sells paper books only
2. Obviously, Baen EBooks sells ebooks only, but! It sells ebooks that are DRM-free (that means you can read them in the reader of your choice, on multiple devices, and lend them to a friend, if you’d like), and it sells ebooks in every format known to man: epub (Nook); mobi (Kindle); Palm, Stanza, Sony LRF, Rocketbook, RTF, MS Reader, HTML and/or you may read online — and probably some that we’re forgetting.
3. Audible has published audiobooks of all the Liaden Universe® novels to date as well as The Tomorrow Log, and also Carousel Tides, Carousel Sun, and Carousel Seas, by Sharon Lee.
4. Pinbeam Books is us — Steve Miller and Sharon Lee. It’s a catalog of all our self-published ebooks, with buy links to Barnes and Noble, Amazon, and Smashwords.
Everybody confused now? Great, here we go!
Where to Buy Books by Lee and Miller
First, an easy one. Here’s your link to the Uncle Hugo’s catalog page of all Lee-and-Miller paper books in stock. Did we mention that some of those in-stock books are signed by the authors?
Another easy one. Here’s your link to the Baen EBooks Lee and Miller catalog.
Third easy one. Here’s your link to the Audible Liaden Universe® catalog. And!
Here’s your link to the Audible page for Necessity’s Child, which is a Liaden Universe® novel, despite having no place on the catalog page. And!
Here’s your link to The Tomorrow Log. And!
Here’s your link to Carousel Tides. . .
. . .your link to Carousel Sun. . .
. . .aaaand your link to Carousel Seas
Lee and Miller books are also available at Kobo, iBooks, and other fine emporiums.
Liaden Universe® Novels (space opera)
For a discussion of the “proper” reading order of the Liaden Universe® novels,
please see this page.
Omnibus editions:
These four volumes include the entire Liaden Universe® backlist: 10 books for the price of four — such a deal.
The Dragon Variation, Baen, June 2010 (includes three full-length novels: Local Custom, Scout’s Progress, Conflict of Honors)
Paper Books: | BN | |Amazon|
Ebooks: | BN | |Amazon|
The Agent Gambit, Baen, January 2011 (includes two full-length novels: Agent of Change, Carpe Diem)
Paper Books: | BN | |Amazon|
Ebooks: | BN | |Amazon|
Korval’s Game, Baen, May 2011 (includes two full length novels: Plan B, I Dare)
Paper Books: | BN | |Amazon|
Ebooks: | BN | |Amazon|
The Crystal Variation, Baen, September 2011 (includes three full length novels: Crystal Soldier, Crystal Dragon, Balance of Trade)
Paper Books: | BN | |Amazon|
Ebooks: | BN | |Amazon|
Liaden novels featuring Theo Waitley:
Fledgling, Baen, September 2009
Paper Books: | BN | |Amazon|
Ebooks: | BN | |Amazon|
Saltation, Baen, April 2010
Paper Books: | BN | |Amazon|
Ebooks: | BN | |Amazon|
Ghost Ship, Baen, August 2011
Paper Books: | BN | |Amazon|
Ebooks: | BN | |Amazon|
Dragon Ship, Baen, September 2012
Paper Books: | BN | |Amazon|
Ebooks: | BN | |Amazon|
The Gathering Edge, Baen, May 2017
Paper Books: | BN | |Amazon|
Ebooks: | BN | |Amazon|
Other Liaden novels:
Mouse & Dragon (sequel to Scout’s Progress), Baen, June 2010
Paper Books: | BN | |Amazon|
Ebooks: | BN | |Amazon|
Necessity’s Child, Baen, February 2013
Paper Books: | BN | |Amazon|
Ebooks: | BN | |Amazon|
Trade Secret (sequel to Balance of Trade), Baen, November 2013
Paper Books: | BN | |Amazon|
Ebooks: | BN | |Amazon|
Dragon in Exile (sequel to Dragon Ship, and I Dare), Baen, June 2015
Paper Books: | BN | |Amazon|
Ebooks: | BN | |Amazon|
Alliance of Equals (sequel to Dragon in Exile), Baen, May 2016
Paper Books: | BN | |Amazon|
Ebooks: | BN | |Amazon|
Neogenesis (sequel to Dragon in Exile, Alliance of Equals, The Gathering Edge), Baen, January 2018
Paper Books: | BN | |Amazon|
Ebooks: | BN | |Amazon|
Accepting the Lance (sequel to Neogenesis), Baen, December 2019
Paper Books: | BN | |Amazon|
Ebooks: | BN | |Amazon|
Trader’s Leap (sequel to Accepting the Lance), Baen, December 2020
Paper Books: | BN | |Amazon|
Ebooks: | BN | |Amazon|
Short story collections:
(for information on which short stories appear in what chapbook, former collection, &c, click this link)
A Liaden Universe® Constellation, Volume I
Paper Books: | BN | |Amazon|
Ebooks: | BN | |Amazon|
A Liaden Universe® Constellation, Volume II
Paper Books: | BN | |Amazon|
Ebooks: | BN | |Amazon|
A Liaden Universe® Constellation, Volume III
Paper Books: | BN | |Amazon|
Ebooks: | BN | |Amazon|
A Liaden Universe® Constellation, Volume IV
Paper Books: | BN | |Amazon|
Ebooks: | BN | |Amazon|
The Fey Duology (dark fantasy)
Duainfey, Baen, September 2008
Paper Books: | BN | |Amazon|
Ebooks: | BN | |Amazon|
Longeye, Baen, April 2009
Paper Books: | BN | |Amazon|
Ebooks: | BN | |Amazon|
Other Space Opera
The Tomorrow Log, Embiid, Meisha Merlin, February 2003
Out of print in print
Ebooks: | BN | |Amazon|
Sword of Orion, Phobos Books, October 2005
Paper Books: | BN | |Amazon|
No ebook edition of this work was published
Sharon Lee’s Maine Novels
Barnburner, SRM Publisher, 2002.
Ebooks: | BN | |Amazon|
Gunshy, SRM Publisher, 2006.
Ebooks: | BN | |Amazon|
Carousel Tides, Baen, October 2010
Paper Books: | BN | |Amazon|
Ebooks: | BN | |Amazon|
Carousel Sun, Baen, February 2014
Paper Books: | BN | |Amazon|
Ebooks: | BN | |Amazon|
Carousel Seas, Baen, January 2015
Paper Books: | BN | |Amazon|
Ebooks: | BN | |Amazon|
This is my first comment ever and I have read tens of thousands of books over the years. Laid up, I read most of the L Universe novels last week (yes I’m a fast reader) and I must give my most elaborate of bows to those most worthy masters of their craft, Ms Lee and Mr Miller, for one of the finest works I have ever read. A long time fan of Ms. McCaffrey, I have long been a fan of the genre but unable to find satisfactory works I had wandered to other pastures. These books bring me back. In the words of my childhood hero who started me in this adventure, “Live long and prosper!”
I am a big fan of Lee&Miller Liaden novels. I have read them all numerous times. I have to say that my favorites are the Theo Waitly novels, I am having a difficult time waiting for the next one. When will it be coming to us?
At the risk of sounding inexcusably flip — I have no idea.
I do know that the novel we’re turning in on Monday, June 1, is not a Theo novel, so I’m going to say — 18 months or very possibly longer.
I really liked the Tomorrow log and was hoping that you could tell me if there was a second Gem ser Edrith in the works. If one has already been published then what is the name of the novel. Thanks in advance.
Hi, John.
So many people ask this question that it made it to Number 8 on the Liaden Universe(R) FAQ:
8. Hey! I read The Tomorrow Log! Is there going to be a sequel?
The odds against the authors ever writing a Tomorrow Log sequel are very high.
More here.
Thanks for reading.