It’s all about the clothes

So, earlier in the week, I was in Tractor Supply, looking, as it happened, for snow boots, my boots having just lasted through last winter before commending their soles to that Big Shoe Factory in the Sky.
I didn’t find any snow boots — muck boots, yes; snow boots, no. But! They were having a minor sale on — dungarees. Yes, dungarees, not jeans. Mens dungarees, in fact.
As it happened, I had just a few days previous decided that I could not pay $80 and more for women’s jeans, and I said to myself, Self, back when you were Tall and Angular, you wore mens jeans. Now that you are Tall and Plump, this seems counter-intuitive, but, whatthehell, I’m here, the sale’s here, there’s a dressing room, and — why not?
Besides, it’s been years since I’ve owned a pair of dungarees.
My first try-on choice was 36×34 (I was skeptical of the 34, but that was the longest available). Turned out they were wonderfully long enough, but — 36 had been. . .optimistic.
Thirty-eight by 34, however, fit like a dream. And the pockets! Even a handy cellphone pocket.
Plus — they were priced considerably less than $80.
So, I bought myself a pair of nice grey dungarees — and today, I’m wearing them.
They fit like I’ve been wearing them for years. High-waisted, long legs — and — did I mention? — the pockets!
So, it looks like I’m back to cross-dressing. 
And, did I mention the pockets?

18 thoughts on “It’s all about the clothes”

  1. Yes! After my last misadventure with trying on women’s jeans, and subsequently finally measuring my actual waist which is no longer much different from my hips, I have decided to look for some men’s pants. What brand are your new greys?

  2. As long as designers of women’s clothing refuse to make clothing that fits my size and shape, and when it comes to pockets refuse to put them where they’re useful but mock our desire for them in a fashion show that had pockets for women but ugly, weird-colored, oddly places and pretty near damn USELESS pockets, I will wear whatever clothing fits, is comfortable, and is durable. Which right now means men’s jeans and T-shirts and denim or flannel long-sleeved shirts. Not because I “want to look like a man” but because I want to wear clothes that fit comfortably and work for me, not against me. My jeans hold a flip-type cellphone and keys in the front pocket without squeezing anything out the top when I sit down (no hope in women’s jeans). I can stick a pair of work gloves in a back pocket when I need to (and yes, I need work gloves sometimes) and a Leatherman in the other front pocket when working out in the field. Men’s T-shirts have short sleeves long enough to reach my elbows; men’s long-sleeve shirts have sleeves long enough to reach below my wrists, protecting my elbows and lower arms from the less friendly vegetation. And I now wear men’s rubber boots, when I need to cross wet fields and water, because the last women’s pair I bought leaked the moment the wet was more than wet grass.

    So yeah–I completely understand the dungaree thing (except I’ve never had a pair of dungarees, per se, because jeans are what’s available in my neck of the prairie.)

  3. I say buy at least 2 extra pairs. Items that fit comfortably are reasonably priced and functional are so rare. I do this regularly with shoes, pants and bras.

  4. Men’s sweats, because they are better constructed, longer – I used to be 5’10” but not skinny and even women’s talls did not fit – and come in reasonable colors

  5. Congratulations ! I’d say yes, definitely go back during the sale and get another pair!
    And *sigh* check the men’s section for snow boots.

  6. Ladies, I salute you! Since I retired, clothes are for comfort, not for style.. i love 5.11 Tactical shirts because of POCKETS, and jeans from Sears with elastic in the waist.. since my waist is much more variable than it used to be…

  7. Car Hart’s are Wonderful jeans. My husband loves them because they are not that flimsy stuff most jeans are made of, but real material that holds up for years!

  8. I am short and have curves. For teaching days, I don hiking pants. Soft, comfy and with useful pockets. I shop the sales and work pants now are as comfy as my weekend pants.

  9. Well… if ONE pair of womens cost $80, then, its reasonable to purchase as many of the preferred item as that $80 will buy… right?
    Go back before they sell out or the sale ends!

  10. I finally looked up pictures of dungarees (I previously only understood from context that they are work trousers), and it looks like they all have the front bib and shoulder straps – what in Dutch are called garden pants (tuinbroek).
    I like wearing my shirt over my waistband instead of tucked in, to hide my overly generous fundament and frontage, so they’ve falled out of favour with me. Wearing a shirt or sweater over the bib isn’t practical when one needs to visit the toilet, alas.
    But if you’re comfortable in them, and like wearing your tops under the bib, then they are certainly a good and useful find.
    If the sale is still on, and the budget allows, it might indeed be a good idea to get another pair.

  11. I guess I’m kind of lucky I have none of these jeans / dungaree problems. I only wear dress pants and I guess I’m really lucky because I can find them that are long enough and they said and they’re reasonably priced too if I shop at New York and Company. I do everything and dress pants doesn’t matter what I’m a tackling. As far as t-shirts go I don’t know none of them either.

  12. The men’s/women’s clothing issue applies to overalls, too – which I wear several times a week, including work day at the food pantry garden I help run. Having once had a bee fly up my t-shirt from the bottom and get stuck just below the bra line, I always wear overalls for serious gardening now. Also useful for some other dirty jobs around the house, and I like the extra chest protection.

    Men’s Dickey’s fit just fine, and are half the cost of women’s. Not to mention those silly designer overalls that are skinny and pre-ripped and cost three figures. For fun I made a pair out of purple dungaree weight canvas – I save those for garden tour days.

  13. Thank you for explaining about dungarees and overalls.
    Over here in Holland the word overall is mostly used not for bibbed garden pants or waders, but for a loose, sturdy, usually blue or sometimes brown or green, easy to wash, whole body suit (except hands, feet and head – not a onesie like a baby’s pyjamas), with a zipper or buttons down the front, that is worn on dirty jobs (like farming or working on machinery) to save your good clothes, like your coveralls.

    It’s those words that are used similarly but not exactly the same, which are most likely to trip me up without me realizing the potential for error even exists. Thanks for setting me straight.

  14. I agree with Karen…buy extras. My experience is, a year or two from now they will not be available at all or will be replaced with something way less satisfying. At least, that’s my experience. Yeah, I’m cynical but 73 years of life most of which I’ve been bigger than sizes of clothing carried by brick & mortar stores have trained me well…:-)

  15. I have re-discovered men’s jeans recently as well. Love the pockets, love that they come up to my waist, and they are long enough in the inseam. I usually get mine at BJ’s Wholesale.

    I remember the word “dungarees” from my childhood, but it’s been a long time since I’ve heard anyone use it. The ones in the link say they are “canvas work pants”, which may differentiate them from “blue jeans” which once were only made from blue denim (which, if I remember correctly was actually serge de Nimes, but that may be apocryphal).

  16. The best place that I’ve found to get clothes is Their pants are under $20 and tees under ten. And they are incredibly comfortable, plus they carry both petite and talk not to mention pretty no wires Dcup bras that don’t cost a fortune. Since I’m pretty much housebound being able to order stuff on line is a bonus.

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