Now things get complicated

So, the modem at this house needs to be switched out for a new modem so that the old modem can be taken to the New Digs EarlyOhSoVeryEarly tomorrow so the cable guy can install it, and, after we move, the new modem can be returned to the cable company.  Yes, this seems Entirely Silly, not to say bass-ackward, but I’m assured it has to work this way, or Bad Things Will Happen.

In any case, we may or may not have full connectivity from now until the weekend.

In other news, curtains have been ordered, and are expected to arrive tomorrow; the rug that was predicted to arrive on Wednesday arrived this morning via the Happiest FedEx Driver (who doesn’t “make deliveries;” he “visits people.”); and I’m going back over to the New Digs this afternoon with a Forester full of boxes.

It is a gorgeous day in Central Maine, sunny and warm and just a little breezy.  People can be seen working in their gardens and on their lawns, and just sitting in lawn chairs and grinning.  Hard winter ending.  That’s worth celebrating, isn’t it?

So, that’s the news at this point in the day and week.  Everybody stay safe.



3 thoughts on “Now things get complicated”

  1. I encountered the Happiest Member of the Geek Squad today, who fixed my laptop and didn’t make me feel like an incompetent old lady, and didn’t charge me, and answered all of my questions and shook my hand at the end. TJ at Danvers, MA BestBuy if anyone wants to know. I went from borderline hysteria to relative calm.

  2. there’s nothing quite as sweet, to a New Englander, as a lovely spring day. People from the south just don’t understand that.

    they tend to think that 60s is cold. we know they’re wrong! 🙂

  3. Thats pretty good news, over all.
    Looking forward to squishing around in my yard late this week

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