So! Big News First!
Audible lets me know that Carousel Seas is in production. This means that the audiobook will release simultaneously with the paper book on January 6, 2015. And there was much rejoicing!
Steve and I took the morning off to wander over to the Chinah Dinah for breakfast and thence to Augusta for the Maine Crafts Guild Show at the Maine State Museum. It was a nice show, if smallish, and included paper sculpture, jewelery, stone art, and Stephanie Crossman, who does 3-D art in net. Check this out. After the show, we began a tour of the Maine State Museum, which neither of us has visited for several years, but Steve’s back had been bugging him and it was not, sadly, getting better, so we cut the tour short and came home by way of the grocery store and Subway. Happily, my new car has heated seats.
Home again, we dined on our Subway tuna sub, with a rare glass of lunchtime wine, and set about charging All! The! Things! Because?
The Weatherbeans are saying this about the weather around the Confusion Factory:
Tonight 11/01 80%: Rain with a chance of snow in the evening…then rain and snow likely after midnight. Snow accumulation up to 1 inch.
Sunday 11/02 80%: Snow likely. Snow may be heavy at times in the morning. Total snow accumulation of 4 to 8 inches possible.
Thank you.
The snow shovels have been taken out of summer storage, and stationed strategically. I would like to say that I’m ready for this, but — I’m not. My goal for this year is to keep both doors to the outside clear of snow — last year, circumstances forced me abandon the front door, and it’s never a good idea to only have one way out of. . .anywhere, really.
Those who read here often may recall that I had set myself to emptying out a file cabinet in the basement. I am pleased to report that the file cabinet is now empty, though I have a box of personal correspondence which will have to be saved in some fashion, and a box of tearsheets, notes and photographs from my couple-year stint as one of the Town Line’s top reporters. I have a call in to the Maine State Archive to see if there’s any interest; if not — out they go, because they’re certainly no use to me.
I also have a pile of professional correspondence, including a letter from our very first editor, explaining that our first three books simply didn’t sell, and giving her recommendations for improving ourselves as artists. It’s. . .a treasure, and I’ve put it aside with the rest of the stuff I’ve been slowly gathering to archive somewhere else.
So, that.
In other news, yes, I’m writing — at the moment, we’re at about 14,000 solid words on the second book of the Five Book Dash, as I go through the pieces pulled form Dragon in Exile and rectify them, adding in other narrative lines as necessary.
And, now, I’d better check on the status of All! The! Things! and, yanno, get to work.
Hope you’re having a lovely weekend, wherever you are.
I would expect that the letter from your first editor said “Your first three books didn’t sell because there isn’t any internet yet.”
Wow, you’ve been busy! I love the diner’s name…reminds me of the place over in Charles Village that serves both Indian food and diner food. Now that I’m back at Space Telescope, I should see if they’re still open.
That 1st editor letter will need to be framed or laminated or something.
Lucky you, SNOW!!!! wish I had some!!! all I got was a quick rain shower and low 40’s