Socks update: the emergency vet says…

I spoke to the day-vet.  He says that Socks is doing “OK, all things considered.”  To the list of “all things” we now add a heart murmur and what this vet, as a result of performing his own examination, explains as a “lumpy, bumpy kidney,” which he finds “very suspicious,” and tentatively diagnoses as lymphoma.

On the positive side of the ledger, Socks is snacking a little, is taking a lively interest in his surroundings, and has started in to building the core for a Lewiston branch of the Socks Fan Club.

The plan remains for continued IV liquids and close observation at the Emergency Clinic, then a before-sunrise-pick-up tomorrow morning (the Emergency Clinic is 24 hours on weekends; all patients must be picked up before 7:30 a.m. on Monday), and transport to our local vet in Waterville for continued treatment.

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