In which the writer is lazy

I was at the Winslow Library this morning slightly before 10 a.m.; a little later than I’d wanted — OK, a lot later than I’d wanted.  I’d chosen Winslow, out of the two libraries available to me locally (which is to say, there are other libraries in nearby towns, but they have less-than-full-time hours, and are further away), Winslow opens at 9 a.m. on Monday (Waterville opens at 10 a.m. M-F, which foolish consistency I very much appreciate), and I knew I had a Full Plate of errands, so I wouldn’t be able to work but what a couple hours, so I thought I’d get an early start.

*cue laugh track*

I settled in to a table, opened my summary file and began to type, and lo!  I have a bunch of notes, and two opening scenes (I’m going to have to break viewpoint at least once in this book.  The great weakness of first person narratives being that the narrator can’t know everything, because, if she does, there’s no tension, but the reader has to suspect that there is more going on with the other characters, behind the narrator’s back.  It’s a tricky balance, and it’s why I take issue with those who maintain that “I” books are across the board “immature works”.  “I” books are dicey; I’d rather head-hop any time.)

So, anyhow, back on topic — it was a good work session, if only a little longer than an hour — and I have a place to actually start writing on what looks to be, at this point in the day, tomorrow.

So. . .yay! progress!

I then betook myself, in the snow, to the bank, and the post office, and to Penney’s, where I found that, it’s true, after years of being my place to go for tall jeans that don’t cost the earth, towels, sheets, and various else, Penney’s has made itself irrelevant to me.  I had suspected as much from the website, which is…sparse in terms of items of interest to me — and the store is even more frightening — there’s so much space on the floor, you could hold a roller derby in the place; the amount and kind of stock has shrunk that much.  Apparently Penney’s doesn’t want your business if you’re older than 12 or wear greater than a size 6.

Note to self:  Find new source for cheap jeans.

Continuing with the errands, I was back home by 2:30, bearing groceries and a Subway sub, aka dinner.  After grocery stowage and dinner, I took a four hour nap, which was obviously much needed, but not exactly convenient.

I have some few chores to do around here, and then I do believe I’ll read for a bit and go early to bed, *sigh*.  Tomorrow, I’m planning on doing the early day work shift at Waterville, after which I hope to come home and be Rather More Productive than I was today.

Shameless Self-Promotion:  The nomination window for the SFSite Readers Choice of Best SF/F Novels of 2012 is open until March 8! Here’s your link to the rules.  The self-promotion part is this! reminder! that Dragon Ship by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller was, of course, published in 2012.


2 thoughts on “In which the writer is lazy”

  1. They’re not cheap, but I find that Lane Bryant (the store, not the catalog) jeans fit me the best – they come in tall, and also in 3 different body shapes (I wear size 16 blue dot). And they do seem to last a good long time – I have 2 pair that I alternate that are at least 3 years old.

  2. I am in complete agreement with you about Penney’s not having sufficient tall items anymore. Until recently, 90% of my wardrobe was from Penney’s for the specific reason that they had talls. As _beccadi_ suggested, I have taken to buying my jeans at Lane Bryant. They’re not cheap, but I got a coupon for buy one get one free before Christmas and ended up with 2 pair of tall “red fit” jeans for $50.

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