What went before: I may have straightened out the timeline. Maybe.
In other news, I wrote about 1,000 words, recasting a scene impacted by the timeline kinks.
The cats are *not* demanding Happy Hour, and I’m wondering if I just out to let it run out to new-8:00. Hmm.
Also — I re-re-re-&c-read The Thirteen Clocks, which is every bit as silly and beautiful as I remembered.
Monday. Snowing. Of course, it’s snowing.
Breakfast is oatmeal with cranberries and walnuts, with tea. Lunch will have to take care of itself.
COVID shot at 10:30, followed by foraging, since I’ll be in the grocery store, followed by We’ll See How It Goes.
Nothing really more to report.
What’re you doing today?
Cat pictures in lieu of content: