What went before: Yesterday was not a good day. Nuff said.
Monday, grey and cold. Snow showers in the forecast.
Went to bed early; got up to the 6:45 alarm. Breakfast was a blueberry muffin and some English Cheddar. First cup of tea is to hand.
Today’s Plan insomuch as it can be said to be a plan is to finish my cup of tea, do my duty to the cats, fill a Yeti with yet more hot tea and go camp out at the Verizon store until it’s time to go to the dentist. I do have to let an InfoDump out into the cyberlanes today, but that will be AD — After Dentist.
So, do I understand this correctly — there’s another John Carter movie (cleverly titled JOHN CARTER 2)? Thirteen years after the original “mega-flop”? The ways of The Mouse are mysterious, indeed.
What’s your Plan for Monday?
Waiting, waiting, waiting for results of the court decision in Massachusetts–will I? or won’t I? Ate breakfast, need to do the dishes, but that takes more initiative than I can drum up at the moment.