Wednesday. Cloudy and warm. S’posed to rain.
Firefly has her rescheduled meet ‘n greet with the vet this afternoon. I have some chores to do. Boring old day.
Hope yours is better.
Wednesday. Cloudy and warm. S’posed to rain.
Firefly has her rescheduled meet ‘n greet with the vet this afternoon. I have some chores to do. Boring old day.
Hope yours is better.
In answer to your actual question yesterday, Sharon, I cannot consider coming cross-country from coast to coast for Balticon. So sorry to miss meeting you there and sharing in the celebration!
well, my day may (or may not) be better… dental appointment at noon, at which they are probably going to lobby for a yank and implant solution (though I hope not) to the tune of many kilobucks.