The Big Cat Hunt Concludes

So, yesterday, which was Sunday in the Northeast portion of the East Coast of the US, I meandered down to Portsmouth, stopping at Pine Point, Camp Ellis, and thence to Old Orchard Beach, for a leisurely lunch at Lazy Days before getting back on the road to Portsmouth and the Motel 6, there to await the arrival of the Cat Farm’s newest director, at +/- 2am Monday.  All very pleasant, except the part where I dropped my phone and cracked the screen — a personal first.

Snow was predicted.  I mean, let’s be realistic — it’s February in Maine/New Hampshire.  Of course snow is in the forecast.  However, I had determined that I could fit myself  in-between the snow events.  For instance, it was to snow, but lightly, on Sunday night, stopping around 7am.  I didn’t have to give up my room until 11, by which time it was not unreasonable to suppose that the roads would be clear to drive.  I would therefore be back home hours before the next called event, on Monday evening.

I had not bethought myself of the impact of the Sunday night snow on Tali and her escort, driving up from Allentown, PA.

Around 9:30pm on Sunday, I received a text from the escort, telling me that she had pulled off the road because of heavy snow, and reports of several wrecks ahead of her on the interstate.

This was smart and safe.  All hail, the escort!  And, really, I wasn’t going anywhere until the next day at 11am.

So, as it turned out, I took delivery of Tali at +/-9:30am.  The roads were clear, and I was under Stern Orders not to let Tali out of the carrier, so we did the swap in the parking lot, and I headed up a largely deserted I-95 to Maine.

We pulled into the Cat Farm and Confusion Factory around 12:30; I got Tali set up in the Guest Parlor, and we chatted a bit.  She jumped onto my lap of her own volition and stayed for about 35 seconds.  She enthusiastically agreed to be brushed with the slicker brush — which she really needed (no blame; no shame — I’d’ve been losing my hair after the trip she had, which had essentially doubled).

She’s settling in nicely.  She doesn’t like to be picked up — or, at least, she doesn’t like to be picked up yet — but she’s purring non-stop, and giving me whole-body bumps whenever I’m in range.  She does seem — very dainty for a coon cat — and photos don’t do justice to her fur, which is pale orange swirled with white. Her home cattery was calling her “pink,” but I think that’s inaccurate.  “Creamsicle” is closer to the look, for them as don’t want to have to spit out the whole “Red Silver Classic Tabby/White” that’s on her TICA registration.

Trooper followed me into the Guest Parlor, so Tali got to meet him briefly.  He spoke to her at some length.  She didn’t answer, but it seemed that he had managed to calm her somewhat.

Tali is now resting in the Guest Parlor; I’m catching up on various this and thats, and realizing that tomorrow is going to be a Run Around Town sort of day, so it’s a good thing I ordered in Chinese today, and have leftovers.

And that’s the epic.  All’s well that ends well, and like that.



8 thoughts on “The Big Cat Hunt Concludes”

  1. Glad she seems to have settled in and she doesn’t seem to mind being alone in the Guest Parlor. I’m excited to hear of Rook”s reaction to her presence. He’s no longer ‘the newest youngster ‘ to the Elders. Congrats again on your safe return

  2. I am really glad to hear that everything was concluded in a timely manner and you are both safely home. Tali will settle in quite well but it will take a little time until she integrates fully into her new living arrangements. Maine Coons are known for their intelligence and adaptability as well as being physically stronger and more long lived than other breed. One of my kitties (gone now) was into her 20’s and she was a remarkable kitty even though I believe she was not 100% Maine Coon, I miss her still.

  3. Glad you are home safe. Both of you. I’m boggling a bit at the idea of a deserted I 95. Particularly during the day.

  4. She’s a beauty! Glad the transfer went well.
    I have friend in England who is owned by a Maine Coon cat who does not like to picked up, either. She will come sit in one’s lap, however.

  5. Creamsickle is indeed the right description.
    I am starting on the indulgence of listening to your books in chronological order, with the sideways zigzag into Theo’s books. This should entertain and soothe me for quite some time. Thank you for all the tales of dragons.

  6. She is so lovely. Hope her personality is just as lovely and that she will integrate seamlessly. I’m trying not to be a bit jealous over here on the left coast.

  7. Congratulations on the new arrival! She’s gorgeous! Hope the others welcome her as seamlessly as Trooper. She already is showing affection to Mom – a good sign.

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