Yeah, still sick

Thursday. Blue skies, cold, tiny glittering snowflakes drifting about in the light breeze.

Yep, still sick. In fact, I feel somewhat less well than I felt yesterday, when I felt sick enough to go back to the clinic.

The plan for the day is to drag the laptop and a couple of research books to the Command Chair, in order to make some notes in between staring out the window and drinking tea. I’ve already set up the timer for med intakes.

Breakfast was oatmeal with the last of the cranberry nut mix as inclusions, with a side of cottage cheese. Lunch — I have various soups, and also salad things, so lunch will be Something.

And that’s all I’ve got. Hopefully, the meds will start kicking viral butt, and improvement will be swift.

What’re y’all doing today?

One thought on “Yeah, still sick”

  1. Fingers crossed that the last vet I took my cat “Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde” to see, will find a legal loophole to allow me to purchase just enough of his meds to see me through to a vet visit in my home. A vet will visit at home? I had no idea! Hopefully Onyx (his official name) will allow her to skritch briefly and establish he’s still functioning so that prescriptions may continue legally. My recollection is that I always feel worse before better when I start taking antibiotics. And that’s all I’ve got!

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