Tyop Hunt Ribbon Dance Mass Market

The page proofs for the mass market edition of Ribbon Dance have landed in my inbox.  I am assured that the mass market edition is, absent the size, exactly the same as the hardcover edition.

I am therefore putting out a system-wide call for those folks who have the hardcover edition.  If you have noticed any typos (that is typos — wrong word, missing word, misspelled word, bad line breaks, too many or too few quotation marks — or, indeed, punctuation of any kind) please reply to this post with that error noted like this:

PAGE NUMBER, Paragraph Number from the top, from the break, or from the bottom (and tell me which) , Line Number, Search String, ERROR

In RL, that would look like this:  Page 1, paragraph 3, line 2, “had let Pel dissuade her”  MISSING PERIOD after her

There is a deadline involved:  January 18.  If you find a tyop of January 19, keep it to yourself.  This is a curated blog, and the replies to this entry will not be made public.

I do note that the mass market edition has the author’s afterword that was left out of the hardcover edition.

Thank you so very much for your help.


6 thoughts on “Tyop Hunt Ribbon Dance Mass Market”

  1. I am hoping that Baen is correct that there are no changes between the hardcover and the mass market. The tyop hunters for Ribbon Dance did an excellent job. I didn’t find any typos when I reread Ribbon Dance after reading Bow for tyops, and I didn’t find any when looking through the hardcover Ribbon Dance for tyops. Sorry.

  2. I read through the whole book, which was remarkably clean, and all I found was the following, which I then remembered I’d noticed during earlier reads:

    Page 350, third paragraph from bottom, line 4, “intimately connected, and complimentary”: should “complimentary” be “complementary”, as in each being the complement of the other?

    Very much looking forward to Diviner’s Bow.

  3. Thank you, Andrew. Do you wish to be Acknowledged? If so (and if I can add names at this point), how do you want your name to appear?

  4. I left an earlier comment with 3 missing words and 1 wrong word, but it hasn’t shown up here. Do you want me to reenter them? I do not need to be acknowledged but I would like to know that you received them.

  5. Yes, I did get it, and I sent you a DM on Facebook, thanking you and asking (1) do you want your name to be included in the acknowledgements and (2) if so, how do you want it to appear?

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