What went before: Yesterday was reading, and noting, and diarying, and playing with cats. I transcribed some handwritten documents from the Revolutionary War for the National Archives — which was interesting, as well as relaxing in its way, and also feels like I’m doing something useful.
Moving on. . .
Monday. Cold and said to be getting colder. Snowed on the overnight, but not the 4-8 inches the ‘beans had called for; there’s maybe 2 inches on the front step.
Breakfast was eggs scrambled with potato, tomato, and onion, toast-and-jelly, and tea. Lunch will be ham and pea soup, starting with a can of split pea soup, and some of one of the little canned hams that Steve laid in — yes, I do have Plans to build on that, and will likely wind up with soup for the freezer. The kettle’s on for second cup of tea.
I’m feeling OK — like I’m just getting over a cold. Looking for the plowguy to come by eventually, because I don’t want to have to shovel snow. I do have to do some laundry today, and I want to look at my notes, and also the short story I was trying to write, to see how far I actually got. I have some phone calls to make, but, as it’s a holiday, maybe tomorrow for the phone calls.
I should also review the accountant’s letter, to remind myself of his deadlines, since I have obviously not been working on the taxes this while.
And that’s it for me.
Over to you.
It’s a bother to deal with, but it does look pretty, the snow.
I’m enjoying the updates and the cat pics, and I’m glad you’re feeling better. It took me a few weeks to feel back to normal again after the Christmas flu, and I only had a mild bout (because I was vaccinated well before).
I’m glad to hear you’re taking good care of yourself, and the cats are too.