What went before: I felt somewhat better yesterday afternoon, and managed to attack the Mess on my Desk. I also finished the second Gretna Green book, and got sidetracked into Shakespeare: The Man Who Pays the Rent, by Judi Dench and Brendan O’Hea, which is being delightful, restful, and shaking some of the dust out of my brain. I haven’t thought about Shakespeare, to actually, yanno, think about Shakespeare, for decades, and I was never an actor, so not only shaking off the dust, but a new perspective, too.
Saturday. Grey and warm(ish). If the weatherbeans are to be believed, we’re in for a spate of crazy weather. Temps in excess of 40F/4C are being called for today, with rain starting this afternoon — which is really unseasonable.
But, wait! We are also under a Winter Storm Watch for Sunday, with a possible fall of 6 inches of heavy, wet, snow. After that, we’ll be in the Deep Freeze for a bit, with highs on Monday around 14F and lows around -4F, warming back up into the 30sF by next weekend.
All winter in a week, and a fine thing it is that I was planning on staying in at least until the antibiotics are gone.
Getting back to the order of the day — breakfast! was a use-em-up meal — the last of the tuna fish, the last of the Dreamberries, and whole wheat toast to keep them company. Lunch will beee……oh. I have veggie burgers. Veggie burger onna whole wheat bun with tomato (but not a slice of cheese, curse you, antibiotics!)
I slept in this morning, in part to make up for the hour of hacking my head off at around 3:30am. I’m feeling significantly better than I did last night, so I can almost forgive the antibiotics for taking my cheese away from me for seven! days!
I have some business to take care of here at the desk this morning, but I’m still on light duty — that seems prudent, given It All. It also means, of course, that I don’t have very much to talk about, so!
What’re you doing today?
Blanket buddies:
My day *might* involve putting up my Christmas village. I think I’ve finally worked out the lighting challenges so that next year, or whenever I next set it up, I know what I want and where. Meanwhile, I still have not heard back from the vet about cat meds, so I’ll need to follow up on that, pronto. Aside from those, I’ll mention that the weather here, while not as cold as where you are is nevertheless cold enough for snow, but thus far been merely cloudy.
Shoot. I didn’t mean “setting it up” but taking it down and “putting it up” for storage. (shaking head) Wonderful thing, the English language. The same expression can mean two exact opposite things.
We are taking a ferry to the mainland for the monthly pinochle dinner with old friends ( known 50 years). We missed the Christmas game, so we have a box of doodads to off load! Thanks for the inspiration for brad making! We are trying 5 minute 5 day bread tomorrow! Truthfully we are more excited by the breath making than the game! Have a safe weekend and be well!