Chilly Monday

Monday. Sunny and cold.

Still sick, fever down but sticking around. Robitussin deployed.

Lord Julian is earning his fee, hitting the sick-bed entertainment sweet spot of being an undemanding read with competent characterization, and engaging puzzles.

I need to call the chiropractor and cancel that appointment for today. And I won’t be going to the sewing club tomorrow, though I will be keeping my appointment with the PCP. He wanted to see me for a “mental health” check-up, but he can extend himself to a “flu, progress of” check-up, which will really be more useful for both of us.

I hear the kettle boiling, so I should go deal with that. Also breakfast. I’ll figure something out.

How’s everybody doing this morning?

One thought on “Chilly Monday”

  1. After finishing the Sea Wrack collection the other evening, I realized that I have been too long away from Kate and Brogan’s town/sea. So, rummaged in the book shelves and with one of those, “Ah,ha!!” moments, I found all three of the novels neatly stood behind a piles of not-so-neatly clutter. Once again, treasure in the library! The first went by too quickly, though I admit to now noticing that I missed many fine points when I read them some years ago. A treat to savor now. thank you, Sharon. We wish you and the cats well.

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