All Systems Green

Tuesday. Snowing. Has been for awhile, and apparently will be for awhile longer. About 3 inches on the ground — or, well, the front step — at Opening Time.

Trash and recycling are snug in the garage, where they will be staying until next week.

Cardiologist appointment canceled by patient. Chiropractor appointment at 2 may suffer the same fate, but I have time to Observe and Refine.

Drinking my first cup of tea and eating a sugar cookie while I think about what’s for breakfast.

Trooper is in Steve’s office, in Scrabble’s Basket. Firefly has been checking out the state of the world from various windows. Rookie is hanging around with me. He, too, wonders what’s for breakfast — no, I misspeak. He has left the desk and is now at the food station, chowing down on crunchies.

Last night, I read for a bit (Alliance UnBound, Cherryh and Fancher), snuggled with cats — Firefly really approves of the new blanket, and has become the most steadfast of my Evening Reading Buddies — then listened to a chapter of The Goblin Emperor before retiring, quasi-early, in anticipation of arising same to attend the cardiologist.

The tea tastes good this morning.

The snow’s pretty. Traffic on the normally busy road out front is very light, and conservative. I’m not going anywhere for the next couple hours at least. My back doesn’t hurt, and I’m not having a panic attack.

All systems green, I guess.

What’s everybody got going today?

3 thoughts on “All Systems Green”

  1. Still trying to add the right lights to fix my Christmas village, which on a whim I set up this year (it hadn’t been opened for 10 years). It’s not a complex one, in fact originally rather basic, but I wanted to light the skating pond so it could be seen at night. I got rather obsessed, I’m afraid. Meanwhile, fasting labs this morning, for which I only have to contend with fog and light rain, no snow here yet. Then . . . what? Not sure about the rest of the day.

  2. The last of the Christmas baking is on the agenda, followed by tidying the living room disaster and getting the tree up and decorated.

  3. Happy day glad you are being careful in the snow. happy Christmas Day! We are also being quiet in the face of heavy rain! Cooking turkey for turkey sandwiches! Inspired by you I think the new year will bring bread classes! Again Happy day!

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