17. Storm Cursed, Patricia Briggs (e)
16. Who Slays the Wicked, C.S. Harris
15. The Warlock in Spite of Himself, Christopher Stasheff (re-read)
14. The Cat Who Knew a Cardinal, Lilian Jackson Braun (read aloud with Steve)
13. Wild Ride, Jennifer Crusie & Bob Mayer (read aloud with Steve; re-read for me; first read for him)
12. Shadow of a Broken Man, George C. Chesbro (read aloud with Steve)
11. How Much for Just the Planet?, John M. Ford
10. Brat Farrar, Josephine Tey (read aloud with Steve; re-read for me; first read for him)
9. Spinning Silver, Naomi Novik
8. Lies Sleeping, Ben Aaronovitch
7. The Luckiest Lady in London, Sherry Thomas
6. Release the Virgins, Michael A. Ventrella, editor (read aloud with Steve)
5. Becoming, Michelle Obama
4. Agnes and the Hitman, Jennifer Crusie & Bob Mayer (read aloud with Steve; re-read for me; first read for him)
3. the unbeatable Squirrel Girl, Ryan North, Erica Henderson
2. Alliance Rising, CJ Cherryh & Jane S. Fancher (read out loud with Steve)
1. A Shilling for Candles, Josephine Tey (read out loud with Steve)