We have still not settled down into what I like to call “normality” here at the Cat Farm and Confusion Factory. We keep trying, but it’s an uphill climb.
We’ve been entertaining earnest practitioners of heating installations, which has been about as much fun as you might expect. I’ve been making phone calls, which isn’t even that much fun, and doing not as much writing as needs to happen, if we opt to replace the 25-year-old boiler, rather than just repair it.
In and among all that, and in place of the three-week cruise that is certainly in order, given It All, Steve and I went to see Captain Marvel at the 12:30 show on Wednesday. There were all of four of us in the theater, and us two, at least, had a good time.
While we were out and about, we arranged for David Mattingly’s cover art for Accepting the Lance to be framed*. That should be home and ready to be hung in the next couple weeks. (*David has a limited number of this art available, suitable for framing. If you’d like one for your wall, write to him at david at davidmattingly dot com.)
I don’t know how many here have been following the Saga of Moose, my new Linux desktop. Moose was ordered in in November, and I was going to get him on line just as soon as . . .Lance was done, but. . .Life Happened in Big Packing Case Lots. Which meant that I didn’t get back to Project Moose until a couple weeks ago, and started transferring all the files (so many files!) in Victor F. (the Windows 7 machine, whose days are surely numbered) to Dropbox. Once that was done, I uncoupled Victor F., wired up Moose, plugged ‘er in and!
Nothing happened. The power switch was rock hard. I plugged it into another outlet — same non-result. I called System76, in Colorado, on the day of the Epic Snowstorm, and left a message, expecting a call-back sometime around April. In this, I was proved a pessimist; my call-back came in less than an hour, and the verdict was — Moose had to go back to Colorado for examination and repair.
Just yesterday, I got a note from System76 that Moose is on his way back home; the power cable was the culprit. He’ll arrive on Tuesday, it says here, and Project Moose can recommence.
In the meantime, we have the weekend theoretically free, so I’m bending my best efforts to finishing the (yes, still) untitled story, so we can get that published, and I can move on to the book that’s due in September (which also doesn’t have a title. Coincidence? Probably not.).
So, that, I think, catches us all up.
Oh. Here, have a picture of Victor F. and Moose. Victor is on the left.
My, they’re tiny creatures! (glancing to the left where two last-century Win98 midi-tower machines have hibernated for almost 20 years, then at the mini-tower Linux boxes that still make your pair resemble midgets.) I think you’ll really like Linux, once you get past the many minor differences. It gives you back control!
I am proud to have a print of every cover David has done for the series. They are a constant reminder to reread! He is very pleasant and seems a real gentleman besides being an amazing artist worthy of the books he covers.