Preliminary Lee and Miller Bare Bones MarsCon Schedule

As mentioned Elsewhere, Steve and I will be Writer Guests of Honor at MarsCon in Minneapolis next weekend.  I know some folks will be coming in from Far Places (Alaska!), and some will be attending their first con, or their first con in years.  Below, is a quick idea of what we’ll be doing when at the con.   Because this is not the final schedule, not all of the panelists are sorted, yet, so I’ve just noted which of us will be on each.

REMEMBER:  This is not the final schedule.  You will get a final schedule in your registration packet at the convention.

This is Very Important: Steve and I will be hosting a Stuffed Animal Tea (aka a Teddy Bear Tea) on Saturday at, err, tea time — 5:00-5:50.  Do plan on escorting your stuffed animal to tea.

Also!  We will be hosting the Friends of Liad breakfast at 9:00 Saturday morning in the hotel restaurant.  For those for whom this is a new thing:  The Friends of Liad Breakfast is, basically, just a bunch of the family getting together for breakfast, to share gossip and clan news and basically catch up with each other.  Each person must come prepared to pay for their own breakfast, just like Steve and I will be paying for our breakfasts.  Looking forward to seeing all you early risers there!


4:00-4:50pm, Krushenko’s. Panel: Psi Powers. Sharon Lee, Steve Miller
7:00 p.m.-, Mainstage. Opening  Ceremonies.  Sharon and Steve, and a Cast of Thousands
8:00-8:50pm, Re(a)d Mars. Panel: Clans and Families in Space.  Sharon Lee


9:00-10:00 Hotel restaurant, Friends of Liad breakfast
11:00-11:50am, Re(a)d Mars. Massive Literary Autographing I. With: Sharon Lee, Steve Miller, Michael Merriam, Kathryn Sullivan
2:00-2:50pm, Krushenko’s. Fiction Reading: Sharon Lee
3:00-3:50pm, Krushenko’s. Fiction Reading: Steve Miller
5:00-5:50pm, Krushenko’s. Teddy Bear Tea. Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, hosts
8:00-8:50 p.m, Re(a)d Mars. Panel: Relativistic Space Travel Fiction.  Steve Miller


11:00-11:50am, Krushenko’s. Panel: Sharon Lee’s “Carousel Tides” Urban Fantasy Series. Sharon Lee
1:00-1:50 p.m, Krushenko’s. Literary Guests of Honor Interview. Polly Jo Peterson and ____, interviewers; Sharon Lee, Steve Miller
2:00-2:50 p.m., Krushenko’s. Talk: Living a Science Fictional Life. Steve Miller
4:00pm, Mainstage. Closing Ceremonies, Steve and Sharon, and, yes, a Cast of Thousands.

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