So, the Compleat Combined Manuscript of Neogenesis now stands at 105,647 words, more-or-less. I need to write two more scenes and build a buncha bridges, which is not quite the same as writing a scene, even though some bridges pack more wordage than a scene.
It’s an art. Yeah.
There may still be a minor timing problem lurking in the depths, and I have to go back and find the perfect place to put a sentence to explain That Thing, but there’s nothing so seriously askew that I can’t go forward comfortably and finish the damn’ thing.
I think that yesterday, when I stitched together the front half with the back half and could finally, finally, see the book as One Whole Thing, instead of a bunch of Random Chunks, was the first time I felt certain in my bones that I could actually finish the damn’ thing, so progress, if not yet victory, is mine.
On the not-book side of things — does anybody here wear bifocal contact lenses? The last time I tried them, the approved method was to over-correct one eye and under-correct the other, in order to give the wearer “bi-focal vision,” but all it ever gave me is a headache. I understand that there have been Advances since then, including soft contacts built in rings of varying powers, so your eye can choose which ring it needs to see through for a certain task. Much more like my glasses, in fact.
. . .and I think that’s all the news I have at the moment. Hope everyone who celebrated had a happy holiday of their choice.
# # #
105,647/120,000 OR 88% complete
“It is possible, after all, to have too many enemies.”
Congratulations on your progress. The cats are lovely thank you for the foot. Loved loved loved the yule present, am on pins and needles now
My mom has “bifocal” contacts. Her eye doctor gave her one contact for close and the other for distance. Neither over corrects, they are the actual appropriate script for each eye. Apparently, according to him, the brain does the figuring. As she is a dental hyginest she needs both. It took her about a week to fully adapt and has now been using them for about 2 1/2 years. Has no issues with driving or anything else. Brains are amazing things.
I have this kind of lenses. Despite that both are multifocus, there’s still one for up close and one for distance. I find it noticeable at night, because one eye says the distant lights are fuzzy and the other doesn’t. For the first week or so, while distance was always okay, I never knew whether I’d be able to see a book or my phone clearly, and then it just… stopped being a problem. It was strange. I prefer glasses when I go to a movie, or do tiny fiddly jewelry work, but for most other things, the contacts are great.
I wear actual multifocal contact lenses (when I can manage to get them inserted). I have one very nearsighted eye and one that used to be farsighted but has deteriorated over the years, and also now has presbyopic changes. Anyway, the multifocal lenses work very well for me. The only problem is that the near-vision correction for my nearsighted eye is not as precise as I’d like for close work like tiny embroidery or really tiny print–but that’s easily remedied by using an inexpensive pair of “cheaters”. I like them a lot.
Although neither my brother nor myself wear contacts any more, he recently took up archery. In an effort to improve his aim, he purchased a pair of glasses with one lens for distance and one for near. Dramatic improvement and, he is so pleased with the result, he is planning to have his next pair of regular glasses done the same.
On the other hand, I cannot get my prescription adjusted to any better than 20/40 and have cataracts. So, the eyes are getting done in a few weeks. I am springing for the laser option but am definitely having the distance (so I can drive, read road signs, etc.) and intermediate corrected. I am told that, although my astigmatism is not enough to warrant the toric lens, the laser may actually help correct some of it. In the long run, I hope be able to squander all the savings from not having to buy prescription glasses on many fancy and cool pairs of readers that I can leave all over the house or change to match my hair or clothing 🙂
I have multimodal contacts – I think both lenses are multimodal as the prescription in each of my eyes is different. I really like them and no headache. Procreate one-day multifocal, -6.00 in one eye -5.25 in the other. You should be able to get a free trial (I did).
Multifocal in all instances – stupid autocorrect!
Sheesh. Proclear!!!!
I had the option of something similar to bifocal contact lenses when I had cataract surgery a couple of years ago. The ophthalmologist said that the dual-focus implants would take some training on my part. Plus which, they are not covered by insurance and would have cost $1,700 each. That made my decision much easier. Now that may not be of much help for you today, but should you ever need cataracts removed and implants installed, it should help! Today all I need is a pair of readers from the dollar store and cheap sunglasses. I’m not sure how many people in Maine develop cataracts, though; it’s pretty common here in Arizona. Cheers!