I think we managed to publish two different InfoDumps number 114, so I’m setting this one at 116 on the dial.
Sleeping with the Enemy, Adventures in the Liaden Universe(R) Number 22, has been published at Amazon, BN, ibooks, Kobo, Page Foundry, Scribd, Tolino, 24Symbols. Sleeping contains two stories — “Chimera,” which was originally published on Baen.com, and “Friend of a Friend,” which is new to this chapbook. The chapbook also includes an author’s introduction.
The long-promised podcast demonstrating the authors’ pronunciation of some key words and names in the Liaden Universe(R) is now live! Well. At least one of the authors, and the first of what looks to be several podcasts. You can listen here: http://splinteruniverse.com/?
Uncle Hugo has mailed out all pre-ordered, signed and/or personalized copies of Alliance of Equals. While it *is* too late to get a personalized copy, you can still score a *signed* copy, just by placing an order here:http://www.unclehugo.com/
We are trying to reach at least 200 reader reviews for Alliance of Equals on Amazon. As of this writing, there are 93 reviews posted, leaving a mere 107 reviews between us and victory.
3. If you abhor writing reader reviews, consider recommending the book to a friend or coworker. Thank you!
What’s the well-dressed Liaden reader wearing this year? A denim shirt or polo from Offworld Designs, often while sipping tea, coffee, or Other Beverage from their Liaden Universe mug. Go here for the full catalog — yes! They do offer ladies tees. http://www.offworlddesigns.
August 14, 2 pm: Barnes and Noble, 1920 N. Rock Road, Wichita, KS http://stores.barnesandnoble.
MidAmeriCon II (https://midamericon2.org/), the 74th World Science Fiction Convention, August 17-21, Kansas City Convention Center, Kansas City, MO. Guests of Honor Kinuko Y. Craft, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Teresa Nielsen Hayden, Tamora Pierce, and Michael Swanwick; Toastmaster Pat Cadigan.Rhode Island Comic Con (http://www.ricomiccon.com/), November 11 – 13, Rhode Island Convention Center, Providence, RI.
Blogs and Other Webly Things of Note
Sharon Lee’s blog, Eagles over the Kennebec: http://rolanni.livejournal.
Sharon Lee’s “Professional” blog: http://sharonleewriter.com
Splinter Universe Discussion List: http://splinterverse.
Lee and Miller Patreon Support Page: https://www.patreon.com/
Facebook Connections — please feel free to add us!
http://facebook.com/kinzel — Steve Miller
http://facebook.com/rolanni — Sharon Lee
Pinbeam Books: http://www.pinbeambooks.com an online catalog, with vendor links, to all Lee-and-Miller eChapbooks
Splinter Universe: http://www.splinteruniverse.
Welcome to Liad — The official homepage for Liaden Universe® news — http://www.korval.com
Liaden tshirts, polos, denims, and mugs from Offworld Designs: http://www.offworlddesigns.
Liaden Interest Groups on Facebook
Clan Korval: http://www.facebook.com/group.
Friends of Liad: http://www.facebook.com/home.
Flaran chamenthi: http://www.facebook.com/home.
Steve’s on Twitter: http://twitter.com/bechimo
Sharon’s on Twitter, too: http://twitter.com/ClanKorvalPinterest: http://pinterest.com/rolanni/
Disclaimer Stuff
This InfoDump is a product of the Liaden Universe®, accept no imitations. You have received this message because you asked for it. If you wish to subscribe to the Liaden Universe® email list, to unsubscribe from the Liaden Universe® email list, or to change your delivery email address, go here: http://www.fireopal.org/cgi-