So, yesterday was a dead loss, which I mostly spent huddled on the couch, regretting my birth. Man, these are some fun meds. The Crack Coon Cat Nursing Team sprang into action and, around about suppertime, I was feeling closer enough to the thing to actually finish my WorldCon survey, and edit the interview.
Lest you think they’re slackers, the CCCNT also took the night shift; at one point, I woke up to find Sprite draped across my stomach, Belle curled on my shoulder, and Trooper stretched out along the length of me. It must have been cozy, because I went right back to sleep.
This morning, we appear to have reached an accord, whole-body-wise, and! the swelling and redness have definitely diminished. We’re not out of the woods yet (and still six days to go with the meds), but apparently we’ve found the path.
Obviously, there will be no pickleball for me, today. I had held out some idea that I would go to the gym and putz about (gently) with the strength machines, but…I will err on the side of conservatism, stay home, catch up the work I should have done yesterday, and get on with today’s business, most of which can be done from the Comfy Chair.
I do need to call my boss at the hospital, explain the situation, and figure out how we want to handle my Wednesday shift.
. . .and I think that’s all the news from the Cat Farm for the near past. Hope y’all have a good start to your week.

My next to the last day at Disney World in Fl a great way to start the week
OUCH. I do hope you are feeling BETTERER RSN!
Do keep taking those meds. The alternative is worse! Please get plenty of rest, so you can heal up. I may know you only through your books and this blog, but nonetheless I do care for you (and Steve, and the cats, even tho I am a dog lover). Please take care, and get well… if not soon, at least as soon as realistically possible.