Here is the promised accountability post for the first completed Patreon month in support of Sharon Lee and Steve Miller.
By April 30 end-of-day, 203 kind people had pledged a total of $1,493
Six people pledged in May, and were not billed for April by Patreon, nor should they have been. The system works!
Two pledges were denied — which is to say that the credit card company denied the charge, or the patron declined the opportunity to continue.
One pledge for $0.50 produced a $0 payout to the artists — the entirety of that pledge went to fees
Of the $1,493 pledged, Patreon collected a total of $1,467.50, deducted $80.86 in credit card fees, and deducted its own fee of $73.39
The artists will receive (on May 5, it says here): $1,313.25
Once the artists receive their payout, they will deduct 33% or $434 and place it into the account from which they pay their taxes
$879.25 will then be available to buy cat food, people food, coffee!, to keep the lights on while we finish Alliance of Equals (due May 31!) and get ready for the Grand Northeast Book Tour, starting on June 2.
Thank you all so very much for your support, your good humor, and your continued presence in our lives.
Sharon and Steve
Scrabble, Trooper, and Sprite
Thank you for continuing to share this wonderful world you have conceived of with the rest of us!