And another eye for another eye till everyone is blind

So, today. . .

Doctor’s appointment — came away with a ‘script for the shingles vaccine and orders for the vampires

Bank — deposited two checks from kind readers, which made it possible to go to the. . .

Town office — paid annual excise tax on Kineo and got new license plate sticker

Post Office — picked up Locus and mailed letters

Came home to enjoy the warm chicken nestled on lettuce and tomatoes that Steve made for our supper.  Put stickers on Kineo, so I could stop having to remember that, and! just as we were cleaning up the dinner dishes, came the Big Brown Truck, and a sturdy young man in Regulation Shorts unshipped 12 boxes of Dragon in Exile, which we shall in the fullness of time sign, personalize, and ship off to Uncle Hugo, so that your preorders can be filled.

And now?

Time to go to work.

Today’s blog post brought to you by Tommy Sands, There Were Roses

Monkey from Elitch Gardens in Denver
Monkey from Elitch Gardens in Denver

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