. . .and so on

So, today was my turn with the doctor.  My entry is a sinus infection; my prize amoxicillin in the large, economy size, with a hold-out prescription for an inhaler, in case the whole I-can’t-breathe-thing gets uglier.

On the way home, we of course stopped at the drugstore to fill the ‘script.  Then we went to Flo’s Greenhouse and Steve bought us a. . .rather large wreath, which will make the house smell pleasantly like pine, and upon which we may hang ornaments, if either or both of us is so moved.  We then stopped at Holy Cannoli, and purchased a homemade Lasagna (actually, I’m guessing it’s more like a Quarter, or even an Eighth, Lasagna — still a Massive Beast), which is destined to be dinner on Christmas Day.  Also a raspberry bar, and a blueberry bar, because Holy Cannoli fruit bars are to die for. We had penciled in a viewing of “Into the Woods,” for Christmas Day, also, but right now that looks like it ain’t gonna happen.

I’m thinking that the rest of the day looks like:  Lunch.  Nap.  Do Dishes.  Nap/play cards.  Supper.  Go to bed.

. . .and how’s your day been?

7 thoughts on “. . .and so on”

  1. Day: busy so far, but not accomplishing as much as I should. Recovering from back injury last Friday, which I kept trying to ignore and work anyway Saturday & Sunday. But it is better today. Went down to City Hall early to get tickets for concert I’m ramrodding in January (one of my “If I take charge and just do it, things get done; the committee system is useless” moments.) Laundry, esp. choir vestments for Christmas Eve, cleaning, working on music, working on projects. (2 pages on book added today) Christmas dinner will be ham and potatoes and something (!) because I can throw a ham in the oven Christmas morning and it’ll be ready in an hour, hour and a half, and boiling potatoes is easy. The hard part is getting the table cleaned off. Anyway, the ham is then available for feeding any guests who show up later in the week, without my having to do more cooking.

  2. Well, I’m glad you have meds and good food. So sorry about the diagnosis – I had mine in September (which was ridiculously early for me – my sinus infections generally show up in the late winter). You have pillows you can prop yourself up on to sleep, yes? It will make breathing a lot easier.

    I’m working from home this day, with minor breaks to put the sofa covers back on and put away laundry. I hope to pick up a newly-bathed dog from the vet at 4pm but we’re supposed to get sleet/rain/ice about that time so I may head out early. The weather eggs say it will be in the 60s for Xmas. Very very weird, even for Maryland. I’ll just be glad if there’s no ice.

    Hope you get some decent rest.

  3. Working on a speech…which is working on me. Neither effort is going well. It is obvious that I don’t yet have a clear idea of what I want to say. Well, I sort of know what I want to say but am not so clear about what the group wants to hear! And the person in charge of the event is on vacation for the next two weeks. I should have gotten a little more information up front than I did.

    Perhaps this would be a good time to wander over to the Y and go swimming, then get another resource book out of the library.

    I hope the giant amoxicillin slaughters the creepy little sinus bacteria.

  4. I have the same sinus infection and the same meds. The cough is miserable it seems to come at the end. Will it ever go away but I am all ready for the big day. Decorating done! packages wrapped! house clean! food bought for holiday entertaining! live arrangements done!
    Merry Christmas!!!!

  5. Her Fuzziness keeps trying to use my left hand as her pillow! She doesn’t appreciate my work schedule and gets very demanding this time of year. I have tomorrow off for Christmas with the in-laws, and then one more crazy bookstore shift on Christmas Eve. I will then crawl under a blanket and just *be still* for a while. Retail is a crazy thing!!

  6. Carousel Seas sighting Saturday at the Burlington MA B&N! It looked like there may have been more copies which got bought….

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