So, we were Principal Speakers (aka Writer Guests of Honor) at PhilCon, in Cherry Hill, New Jersey over the weekend. We had a good time, together and apart. Of course, there were glitches, such as our speech running over time (we’ll eventually be posting the text, if not doing a recording, so the whole thing can at least be read in all its dubious glory), and a couple of failures of communication, but on the whole, it was a lovely con. The theme of my convention was “believable.” I had a blast moderating the panel “Would you believe?” ably assisted by articulate and thoughtful panelists Peter Prellwitz, Diane Weinstein, and David Walton, then joined Gregory Frost, Gail Z. Martin, Rob Balder, and Anastasia Klimchynskay to discuss creating believable relationships in science fiction and fantasy. I was also a panelist on a fascinating topic of separating the author from his work, of which I expect to blog more, sometime later (I’m not kidding you; it was that fascinating), with Ian Randall Strock, Peter Prellwitz, Oz Drummond, and Muriel Hykes.
I read “The Gift of Music” to a gratifying number of very respectful people. Really, you could’ve heard a pin drop in the room.
As much fun as all that was, though, my hands-down, verymost favorite event was the Teddy Bear Tea, for which we had a fine, if rolling, attendance of Teddy bears and other stuffies. Also? Thanks entirely to the care and expertise of Gene Olmstead, we had TEA. I’m talking cucumber and watercress sandwiches, homemade (by Gene) scones, two kinds of tea — English Breakfast, and Darjeeling laced with flowers — properly served in silver tea services, and a taste of sassafras mead, and young port (from Gene’s own cellar). I had a delightful time, and every attendee I spoke to was suitably — and favorably — impressed.
Follows a few pictures of the convention.

And wow, I’m in two of the pictures. Thank you for making it a wonderful convention to me!
It was wonderful to see you both in real life. I was only sorry working the con made me miss so much of your stuff.
I remember you once posed the question (paraphrased) “What is the main purpose of the Liaden books?”
After much thought I determined the answer was “Drink more tea.”
Glad you enjoyed your trip.