Sweet lazy life; champagne and caviar

So, things have been happening.

I shall sum up.

1.  The contract for Liaden Universe® Constellation, Volume Three arrived, was read, signed and put on the bus to Madame the Agent’s office in New York.

2.  Last night, we turned in the manuscript for A Liaden Universe® Constellation, Volume Three (I adore email submissions).  Here is the table of contents, as turned in and bearing in mind that the order may change:

Authors’ Foreword
Code of Honor
Guaranteed Delivery
Intelligent Design
Out of True
Roving Gambler
King of the Cats
Kin Ties
The Rifle’s First Wife
The Space at Tinsori Light
Landed Alien
Moon’s Honor
Quick Working Glossary

3.  Return word from Madame the Editor is that the book may be available as soon as Summer 2015.

4.  Because of the events above, “Code of Honor,” “Roving Gambler,” and “The Rifle’s First Wife” will be vanishing from Splinter Universe realsoonnow.

5.  But! There’s still plenty to read on Splinter Universe, including Steve’s new novel project, Quicksliver, and several guest stories, including:  “Leaving Via Callia” by Alma Alexander; “2 Pi to Live,” and “Riverweave,” by EC Ambrose.

5a.  The first three chapters of Quicksliver are up now, for your reading pleasure:

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

6.  This morning, we have entertained the contractor, who was very taken with Trooper (Sprite hid; Scrabble hid; Mozart was napping in my his rocker and didn’t even wake up).  This afternoon, Mozart has an appointment with the hairdresser, for a modified lion cut, which he will hate, but for which he has only himself to blame.

7.  This evening, I’ll return to working on the novel.  Nope, no title yet.  When one breaks, you’ll hear about it here.

Today’s blog title comes to you from Tracy Chapman, “Mountains of Things.”  Here’s your link.


5 thoughts on “Sweet lazy life; champagne and caviar”

  1. Congratulations to you (and to us!) on Constellation, Volume 3! I’m very excited to know that more short material exists to be bound in another Constellation collection.

  2. There is a “King of the Cats” story in the Liaden Universe Companion Volume One. Will that be the same story in both books ?

  3. Well. . .yes. It is the same story. Once we’ve borrowed a title from the Marx Brothers, say, or Thomas Lyttleton, we try not to use it again on another one of our stories.

  4. Trooper needs to give Sprite and Scrabble a good talking to. Contractors need feline supervision. Particularly the ones who are allergic.

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