Wednesday morning photos

Today’s mail brought our authors’ copies of Dragonwriter, so I decided to take a group shot of our books that arrived in either our hands  or yours during July.  Here it is:

Family grouping: Dragonwriter, Dragon Ship, A Liaden Universe® Constellation Volume One, with base of the Skylark Award for contrast.
Family grouping:
Dragon Ship,
A Liaden Universe® Constellation Volume One,
with base of the Skylark Award for contrast.

And, because books are nice, but kitties make everything — even books — nicer, I also offer portraits of the coon boys:





2 thoughts on “Wednesday morning photos”

  1. Ok, that’s just mean. The rest of us can’t get Dragonwriter until the 6th.


    Nice cat pictures. 🙂

  2. Love the furkid photos!

    Todd and ?? will be here in Burbank on August 7 for a chat. At which I will be getting a couple of author scribbles in the front of my copy of *DragonWriter*. I miss Anne and her wonderful writing, so very much, been reading since the early 70s.

    We’re on the far-opposite coast, so I hope someday you’ll be here, at something smaller than the mass migration that is ComicCon.

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