Yesterday was bright and sunny and warm; a nice day made a little less so by having to go into town twice, because of the doctor’s office losing a prescription. Again. All of the doctors in town are re-aligning themselves with Inland Hospital, which is a very nice hospital, and the one that’s staying in, rather than abandoning, Waterville*. But, Inland has a System, and it’s taking some time for all the little systems to integrate into the One True System. It’s understandable, but I wish they’d practice on someone else’s prescriptions, now.
In-between those two trips to town, I picked up all the Random Stuff that snow leaves behind it and raked the dead leaves out of the cat garden. The daffodils are starting to come up under the Cat Observation Port at the front of the house (yes, yes, I know; some of you have had daffodils for weeks).
Today, of course, the weatherbeans are calling for snowsleetandrain. Just as well; I really need to get some wordage on Carousel Seas, if Character C will only please fork over with what, exactly, is in their mind. Soon. Because at just about one third of the way into the book, it’s not too early for me to know this.
I think I forgot to mention here that we got a pdf of the almost-finished Dragonwriter: A Tribute to Anne McCaffrey and Pern, so that we could check over our essay one more time. I think I can safely say that this is going to be a beautiful book, as well as insightful, with essays from David Brin, Elizabeth Moon, Lois McMaster Bujold, David Gerrold, Mercedes Lackey, Richard Woods, Elizabeth Anne Scarborough, Michael Whelan, Janis Ian, and more! If you were one of Anne’s many readers, you’re really going to want this one.
Hope everyone is having a brilliant Friday.
*MaineGeneral is moving to fancy new digs out to Augusta. They say there are not abandoning the town because they’re leaving an emergency room and various clinics here. And besides, the new hospital will only be 20 miles down the road. Twenty miles is kind of a big deal in a snow-or-ice storm. Just sayin’.
* * *
Progress on Carousel Seas
29,226/100,000 OR 29.23% complete
(Yeah, word count is a little down from the last report, because I went through all the chapters that exist, and tightened them up. Funny how you lose words when you tighten up.)
“If I. . .mingled with the sea; let her wash through my spirit, and surrendered all of me to be part of her — I’d fail my oath, and my Guardianship wouldn’t be anything other than wrack and whim.”