Oh, let’s see…
1. Steve got jealous of all of Socks’ Lightning Visits to the vet, so there was nothing for it but that he should have a Lightning Visit to the doctor today. Where it was discovered that he has arrived home from Boskone with acute bronchitis. Medications have been prescribed. Rest has been prescribed. Below, a picture of Steve resting, at Socks’ insistence.
2. I have an appointment with the vampires tomorrow morning. After which I suspect I will be stopping at the grocery store because…
3. Winter storm warning for Waterville and environs, starting Wednesday. Weatherbeans at the moment calling for another 8-12 inches. Man, I’m going to have upper arms to die for.
4. I am not yet half-way through the galleys of Liaden Universe® Constellation Volume One.
5. I provide a link to an article interesting not so much for the description of a kerfuffle in an online forum, but for the discussion of “nice,” and how the concept of same is used as a bullying tactic, a topic of some interest to me. Since, as advertised elsewhere and often, I am so not nice…
Hope Steve recovers quickly! Thanks for the link! Very interesting, maddening, sad, annoying, but important to read.
I feel for him, having just gotten to the walk across the room without hacking stage myself. And since I have a cat and hubby who tended me so sweetly, I commend you and Socks!
Keep him down, Socks!
It’s for his own good. 🙂
Hope he recovers soon. Best regards and positive thoughts from France.