Have I mentioned here that Steve and I will be participating in the Bangor Book Festival, Friday and Saturday, October 18 and 19 and 20 (that’s this coming weekend!)?
We’ll be at the Author Reception and Keynote on Friday evening, 6:30, at the Hammond Street Senior Center in Bangor. Richard Russo will deliver the keynote; you’ll remember that he won the Pulitzer in Fiction a couple years back, for his novel Empire Falls.
On Saturday at 12:30, Steve and I will take part in the Mad Group Signing in the gorgeous Bangor Public Library Rotunda (honest, the BPL is a beautiful building; if you haven’t visited, you should. Plus — books!)
Then! at 1:30, we’ll remove to the Rock and Art Shop at 36 Central Street to talk about the Liaden Universe® with all comers.
In addition to us, there’ll be lots more going on, with about a zillion authors and illustrators taking over downtown Bangor, so plan on taking part.
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There’s a very thorough explication of the Agent of Change audiobook Sequence, over here. If you’ve been wary of the audiobook editions, or unwilling to commit to a long-running series encompassing. . .fifteen (soon to be sixteen) novels, you may find this review of use.
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One of the things I find that I miss terribly from my sojourn at Temp Headquarters is the walks. I knew this was going to be so, but I hadn’t realized how very much I would be jonesing for my nice mile loop up East Grand, through the green at Little Miss Cottages, up Wavelet Street ’til it dead-ends at Sunspray condos, and back down East Grand to Temp Headquarters. I miss it so much, that I dreamed about it, though Wavelet Street had inexplicably acquired a bakery in the dream. Might’ve been getting near breakfast time.
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For those keeping track at home, Carousel Sun stands at 63,000 words, and things are starting to heat up nicely.
Someone took me, mildly, to task the other day for having failed to mention that there is an audiobook edition of Carousel Tides, too. So, here’s your mention, and a link, too.
And now? You’re all caught up.
October 18th and 19th are Thursday and Friday. ;-(
So they are.