A scattering of answers

Q.  Amazon cancelled my order/I cancelled my order for the signed edition of Dragon Ship.  Are there any left anywhere within the expanding confines of the existing universe?

A. Yes!  Uncle Hugo’s Science Fiction Bookstore in Minneapolis still has signed copies of Dragon Ship on hand.  Here’s your link to the Lee and Miller catalog page.  You’ll have to scroll down.

Q.  Are signed editions of Necessity’s Child going to be available?

A.  Yes!  You may preorder it now, in fact.  In light of the kerfuffle surrounding the Dragon Ship signed editions, and Amazon’s total customer service Fail in the event, I would strongly suggest pre-ordering your signed edition from Uncle Hugo’s.   Here’s that link again.  This time you’re lucky; Necessity’s Child is right at the top of the page. Yes, the book “costs more” from Uncle.  On the other hand, not having to deal with the uncertainty and frustration engendered by Amazon’s curious lapse has got to be worth a buck or two.

Bonus A.  First chapter of Necessity’s Child, right over here.

Bonus A #2.  No, we don’t know when Baen will release the eArc.  The last we heard, via a reader, was late October-ish to mid-November-ish.

Q.  I totally missed getting a hardcover of Ghost Ship before it sold out.  Are there any left anywhere within the expanding confines of the existing universe?

A.  Yes!  Uncle Hugo’s reports have 40 Ghost Ship hardcovers on hand.  The link, one! more! time.  Yep, you’ll need to scroll down.

 Q.  I read the splinter of The Cards of Fortunate Destiny on Splinter Universe.  Will you be completing that novel?

A.  No.

Q.  How about getting a co-author to write it with you?  It would be, like, half the work for you!

A.  No.  You will have noticed that I have a co-author, and I know that collaboration is not “half as much work” for anyone involved.

Q. What’s with Trade Secrets?

A.  Steve’s working on it.  It had to be gutted and re-visioned — much like Balance of Trade, as I recall.  Teenagers!

Q.  When will the sequel to The Tomorrow Log be published?

A.  My best, conservative, guess is?  Never.


…I think that’s caught up what I have in email and other places ’round the net.

If you have a question I haven’t answered, please ask in comments.  I will answer, though it may take me as much as a day.


2 thoughts on “A scattering of answers”

  1. Thank you for the reminder to visit Uncle Hugo’s soon. I’m sure I don’t have enough books…

  2. Swapped my Dragon Ship order from Amazon to Uncle Hugo’s, thanks for the tip. That was supposed to be a birthday present. :/

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