Yesterday! We installed the new Super Router we’d bought on our Monday expedition. It was easy, and fairly fraught-free. I did have to call Netflix, but the helpful young man who answered the phone got me all straightened out in about six seconds’ flat. Which means.
The television now streams Netflix.
Both The Leewit and Haysus can find and use the wireless signal in the living room.
Other than that, I banged some more on the bookkeeping, and wrote, and did laundry, and ranted on the intertubes. Boring ol’ day, really.
Today, I have an appointment to get my hair cut. I’m not ruling out magenta dye, but it’s equally possible that I’ll just stick with the silver.
After the hair cut, I need to pack, and finish the laundry, and catch up some more email, and explain to Scrabble and Mozart how, yes, we are going to be gone again for Days and DAYS, but that Mary will be right here with them, so that they won’t lack for quality service.
Tomorrow, we’re for Fitchburg, and the Great New England Steampunk Exhibition. See you there!
Progress on the Book Presently known as George
48,850 of 100,000 OR 49% complete
“Who’d thought such a little kid could make such a big mess outta Simon Says?”