Something I never thought I’d say. . .

Sharon Lee and Steve Miller are gobsmacked — but pleased! — and hereby announce to The World that Saltation, their sixteenth collaborative novel, the eleventh set in the Liaden Universe®, has placed in the Locus Poll Top Twenty Best Novels of 2010.

Thank you! to everyone who voted.

*falls over ded*

2 thoughts on “Something I never thought I’d say. . .”

  1. Congrats – I absolutely agree.

    As an aside, are you going to be doing any signings in Minneapolis for people who didn’t preorder?

  2. . . .


    The signing in Minneapolis is. . .a signing. Steve and I sit behind a table with a couple, three, four pens and we sign books, chapbooks, blank pieces of paper. All are welcome.

    . . .the people who pre-ordered. . .those books were signed months ago. Or, at least the pages were, and then bound into the books and shipped to Uncle Hugo’s. Mr. Blyly has been mailing them out this while. . .

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