Today’s eChapbook upload to Smashwords was Shadows and Shades: Adventures in the Liaden Universe® Number 8 I thought I might get another one up this evening, but Events Conspired against me.
Tomorrow is — Monday! So what? Well…I need to drive Mozart to to his stylist tomorrow morning, and Steve has some appointments in the city, but I — don’t. Which is good.
The other thing of use that I did today was work on George, to the tune of nearly 2,000 words added to the rumble and roar, which, lately, is a Stellar! Day! of writing. This stint gets us to the end of Chapter Sixteen, new ground, all, so — yay.
Progress on the Book Presently known as George
43,008 words/100,000 OR 43% complete
Yeah, Mike thought, some people were too stupid to come in outta the snow.