Liaden Universe® InfoDumpling: GHOST SHIP

From Uncle Hugo re Ghost Ship

Sharon Lee and Steve Miller will be autographing at Uncle Hugo’s on Saturday, August 27th, from 2:30-4:00 pm. If you’d like to order signed or personalized copies of their books, go here to order. Please mention that you want your book(s) personalized in the Special Instructions when you check out. Orders for personalized copies must be received no later than Friday, August 26th.

Around 500 people have preordered Ghost Ship with a tipped-in signature page. Those copies will arrive at the store about a month before the signing.

1. If you preordered and want us to ship the book as soon as possible, you don’t have to do anything.

2. If you preordered and want us to hold the book until the end of August to be personalized, you must let us
Edited to Add: Where “us” is Uncle Hugo — unclehugoATaolDOTcom

know by July 15th that you want the book personalized, and how you want it personalized. (You don’t have to provide your original order number.) If we don’t hear from you (preferably by email) by July 15th, your order will be shipped as soon as possible after the books arrive.

3. YES, you can still order signed/personalized copies of Ghost Ship. You must order by July 15.

Please bear in mind that it will take us a week or more to pack and ship all those orders, and that media mail packages take up to a week to be delivered. So PLEASE wait until at least mid-August (for signed copies) or mid-September (for personalized copies) for your order to arrive before bombarding us with follow-up emails.


Lee and Miller Summer Con Schedule

June 23-26, 2011
Wyndham Hotel
South Portland, Maine. . .your best bet to catch the duo will be on Saturday, June 25 when they’re scheduled for two writing-oriented panel discussions as well as a signing.

August 17 – 21, 2011
Convention Center
Reno, Nevada . . .Lee and Miller will be panelists. The Friends of Liad will host a party, and a FoL breakfast.

3 thoughts on “Liaden Universe® InfoDumpling: GHOST SHIP”

  1. Any chance you will be at any other locations when your in MN?

    Hugo’s is a great store but it is in a real crummy neighborhood & parking is difficult to find anywhere near (I have asthma so summer time strolls are sometimes not so fun).

  2. Not too likely. Uncle Hugo’s undertook an amazing amount of work — the whole pre-ordered signed copies of Ghost Ship project — and invited us to come by on the way back from WorldCon. We’ll only be in town a couple days, tops, before we get back on the train to Maine.

    …well, to Chicago, and then another train, to Albany, and then into our car to drive six hours to Maine — but you get the picture.

  3. I understand, was just hoping. Thanks for the quick answer.

    Hugo’s/Edgar’s is the best Sci Fi/Fantasy store in the whole state their location is just crummy.

    You could ask them about the guy who got stuck in the chimney one year, I think it made national news.

    Hope you and Steve have a good trip, do you prefer to travel by train or is it merely the lesser evil?

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