Liaden Universe® InfoDump No. 85

After a relatively quiet summer we have lots of news!

THREE NEW LIADEN UNIVERSE BOOKS aimed for Baen! Right, Jennifer Jackson, our hardworking agent, brings us word that Baen Books publisher and editor Toni Weisskopf has accepted proposals from Lee & Miller for THREE new Liaden novels to be turned in before the end of 2012. Publication dates are far from set, but the base schedules usually have books appearing in print 6-9 months after they are turned in.

Tentative title #1: Dragon Ship … this is a Theo story, yes. To be turned in around or just after next year’s WorldCon — September 2011.

Tentative title #2: To be Determined. . . due to the publisher a little after New Year’s 2012 — a Surebleak-centric story, with new characters and familiar characters expanded.

Tentative title #3: Trade Secret … this is a Jethri story, following closely on the heels of Balance of Trade. This ought to be turned in before Worldcon 2012.

In case you missed the news, Steve was hospitalized for about a week in October, due to pneumonia and complications. He’s basically recovered now (though still subject to some follow-up medical visits), but that time out put a crimp in a planning for the holiday chapbook, especially since he’s also involved in moving the SRM Publisher office *(see note below). So, yes, the usual Yule chapbook will not appear before the end of the year, for which he apologizes.

Right, this year’s slightly delayed holiday chapbook from Lee & Miller will arrive in February, and will be titled SKYBLAZE.

We expect to start shipping on Groundhog’s Day 2011, (that’s February 2 in the US). Preorders can be made here — — through February 1, 2011. No pre-orders will be accepted after that date. The chapbook will feature a novella centered in the midst Korval’s tumultuous exit from Liad and arrival on Surebleak. Don’t miss it!  Again, that’s

Sharon Lee’s Carousel Tides seaside fantasy has been getting good reception from readers and reviewers following a unique book launch party at Old Orchard Beach, Maine’s summer holiday mecca. Held at Beggar’s Ride, a one of kind art gallery and artist’s center, the Carousel Tides event brought dozens of people from as far away as Huntsville, Alabama; Maryland; Virginia, and points north and west to meet Sharon and get their very own signed copy direct form the author’s hand.  Carousel Tides is set in Archer’s Beach, Maine, an alter ego of Old Orchard Beach, and a place where the land and sea bring power together to help a guardian hold a very special gate. Carousel Tides is available at most genre shops and brick-and-mortar bookstores as well as from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other online sites; both an ebook version (from Baen) and an audio book are also available. One reviewer said …  “In one reading, this book is seamless, the work of a master who knows what she’s doing. It’s the best fantasy Sharon Lee has done, I’ll even say her best book, and a keeper. It’s one to remember come award time. And even better – this book can stand alone for all eternity, like the rocks it is built upon, or it can carry the weight of a sequel.” ( )

As much as Lee and Miller like to support Boskone, this year’s convention may have to do without the authors, depending very much on scheduling and medical permissions.  Watch for future InfoDumps, or authorial blogs, for more information.

SRM Publisher will be moving operations during November and quite a few of the Meisha Merlin books available are in short supply. During November and until December 17 expect one day specials and other short-term offers on a changing group of books and chapbooks.  Plan B is sold out.

Sharon and Steve will be signing at the Barnes and Noble Marketplace in Augusta, Maine on Saturday, December 4, beginning at 1 p.m.

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