Today, I slept in until the time I would be eating breakfast on a day-job kinda day, which was something, but was not 10 a.m. Steve made us coffee with egg-cheese-and-tomato sandwiches on toast for breakfast, which did a pretty good job of reconciling me to the fact of being awake.
After breakfast, it was a trip into town to sign Saltations for the folks whose books have gone wandering, then a wander through Marden’s, and the long way home, via China, to a Labor Day picnic lunch of hot dogs and potato salad.
And then to work.
The second, recompiled, but still not complete draft of Ghost Ship has been printed out, my red pens are sharpened and my sticky tags in bright! neon! colors are to hand. I actually need a solid week of peace and quiet to do the deep edit, but I’m not gonna get it. *makes note to self to make notes to self* Editing in two or three hour lumps after coming home from the screaming insanity that is the first week of school is not, I feel, optimum, but it’s what I’ve got.
For those who have been following along at home, the Carousel Tides page has been updated with Chapters Six, Seven, Eight, and Nine, in celebration of Labor Day.
And! Mozart reminds me that I need to sort through the Saltation letters that have come in over the weekend, then do the dishes and get some lunch on the table. For tomorrow?
Is a day-job kinda day.
Hope all who celebrate had a grand holiday!