Liaden Universe® Infodump No. 84

August 2, 2011: It having been more than a year since Steve and I finished shipping subscriber copies of Saltation to all the subscribers we could find, we have now closed the shipping window. If you find your name on an old webpage out there on the intertubes somewhere, please don’t write to me asking for your book. We never intended to keep shipping books until the heat death of the universe, and really — a year is plenty of time to notice that the book hadn’t arrived and to contact us.

Thank you for your support and interest.

We now return you to your regularly-scheduled blog.
Saltation Supporters Take Note!
The subscriber books have arrived at SRM Galactic Headquarters.  As of this writing, many hundreds have been signed, sealed and mailed.  Within the US, the books are traveling by media mail, which means a three-to-14 day delay before they reach their final destination.  Outside of the US, travel is on the knees of the gods.  Please don’t write to ask if your book has been shipped, but trust that the system is working as it should.
That said, we do have a list of people who did not reply to the email asking that they verify their shipping address.  If you see your name or the name of a friend or loved one on the list below, please do write to saltationATkorvalDOTcom (where AT and DOT are replaced by The Usual) with your shipping address.

Neal Bahu,
Ellen Barry,
Helen Bassett,
Mike Boulton Motorcylces,
Judith Bramlage,
D. Guy Cadieux,
Robert Callaway,
BR Bear Carson,
Jason Christofilos,
Chuck Clements,
James Collins,
Sharon Corbet,
Sarah Cornell,
Susan Cox,
Angus Creighton,
J T Cullingford,
Deanna Cymbaluk,
A Farmer’s Daughter,
Michael Dobbs,
Sam Ellis,
Janet Evans,
Margaret Fielding,
Tamie Fogle,
Jeffrey Giel,
William Goldsmith,
Donice Green,
Shasta Green,
Bernard Grofman,
Diana Hammond,
Charles Hannah,
Lawrence Hartley,
Yeng-Choong Ho,
Donald Humberson,
Maya Jaklitsch,
Walter Jamison,
Amelia Janisz,
Craig & Vicky Johnson,
Beverly Jordan,
Rita Kane,
Albert Knox,
Mike Kroll,
Kari Lempke,
Jaynae Louden,
Linda Love,
Marilyn Mann,
Kendall Marks,
Ellipsis Math,
Grant McConnell,
Gen McGarvey-Tanenbaum,
Theresa Miller,
H. Nieuwenhuijzen,
Heidi Oliversen,
Cheryl Parker,
Sherri Pileggi,
Sherry Ray,
Stephen Reed,
Celia Roberts,
John Rogers,
Susan Ruoff,
Anita Sanders,
Patricia Schaut,
Barbara Schneider,
Jaclyn Search,
Daniel Snider,
Michelle Thornburgh,
Myriah Tommas,
Donald Wedge,
Kristine Whitby,
Teresa Williams,
Victoria Wirt,
Carl Witty,
Victor Yoder,
Cheryl Lynn York

Expanding Universe Contest

In celebration of the publication of Mouse and Dragon, the thirteenth novel set in their Liaden Universe®, authors Sharon Lee and Steve Miller are holding an Expanding Universe Contest!  No less than thirty-six electronic copies of The Dragon Variation will be given away.

The Dragon Variation is an omnibus edition of three Liaden Universe® novels — Conflict of Honors, one of the first modern SFRomances; Local Custom, second place winner of the Prism Award for best Futuristic of 2002; and Scout’s Progress, the first place winner of the Prism Award for best Futuristic of 2002, Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice for Best SF Novel of its year, and the prequel to Mouse and Dragon.

The contest is open to anyone who has NEVER read a Liaden Universe(R) novel.  This is the perfect chance to addict introduce friends to the wonders of Liad!  Complete rules are here.   Please note the additional drawing for bloggers who help spread the word.  Contest ends Friday, July 16 at midnight EDT.

Lee and Miller — and Lee — Publishing Schedule
June 1, 2010Mouse and Dragon AND The Dragon Variation
November 2, 2010Carousel Tides
January 4, 2011 The Agent Gambit
May 3, 2011Korval’s Game AND Longeye

Liaden Universe® Bestsellers

Both Fledgling and Saltation have had turns on bestseller lists over the last couple months.

Fledgling hit the Number Ten position on the Locus list for bestselling mass market paperbacks for March (reported in June)

Saltation was Number Four on the Wall Street Journal’s bestselling science fiction for the the week of April 25 and was Number Ten on the Locus list for April (reported in July).

Thank you all — we couldn’t have done it without you!

There are three full chapters, as well as ancillary information about the novel and the world of Carousel Tides, Sharon Lee’s contemporary Maine fantasy, now up. Keep checking back, there’s more to come!

Where in the World are Lee and Miller?
Steve will be attending ReConStruction, the 10th Occasional North American Science Fiction Convention (NASFiC), in Raleigh, NC, from August 5-8.

Yes, You Can Read Lee and Miller on Your Ebook Reader!
All of the published Liaden Universe® books, the Fey Duology, and The Tomorrow Log are available from Baen Webscriptions .  There are instructions on the Webscription site for downloading their books to your
Kindle, iPhone, iTouch, Sony EReader, and other devices.

Several Sharon Lee short stories, and the Jennifer Pierce Maine novels, Barnburner and Gunshy, are available from Fictionwise

Support Your Local Bookstore
Uncle Hugo’s
University Bookstore
Pandemonium Books
Missing Volume

Dream Haven
Flights of Fantasy
Mysterious Galaxy
Constellation Books
Children’s Book Cellar

All of the above folks do mail order and take want lists.

Blogs of Note
Theo_Waitley is the discussion group for readers of Fledgling and
Where Dragons Rest
Steve Miller’s blog, Journeyman
Sharon Lee’s blog, Eagles over the Kennebec
SRM Publisher blog
Sharon Lee’s “Professional” blog

Facebook Connections — please feel free to add us!
Steve Miller
Sharon Lee

Liaden Interest Groups on Facebook
Clan Korval
Friends of Liad
Flaran chamenthi

Sharon’s Author Page

Steve’s on Twitter:
Sharon’s on Twitter, too: http//

Disclaimer Stuff
This InfoDump is a product of the Liaden Universe®, accept no imitations. You have received this message because you asked for it. If you wish to subscribe to the Liaden Universe® email list, go here.

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