This is the fifth and final day of Mouse and Dragon Snippet Week, sponsored by Baen Books. Snippets to follow.
Aelliana: What would you be willing to do, in order to salvage Mizel?
Daav: On my honor, I will wait here until my brother comes.
Aelliana: You are delm of Low Port. I ask safe passage.
Daav: Stipulate that we are idiots of the first water, polished and ready to be set.
Aelliana: Daav, I think we should have another child.
Daav: I can scarcely argue with a lady who has a plan.
One week of snippets is now concluded. Thank you for your kind attention. Remember, Mouse and Dragon hits bookstores on June 1, from Baen.
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The above are snippets from Mouse and Dragon, by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, for Friday, May 21.